
Que. 1 : Q1) TPAs are not involved in which of the following policies

   1.  a) Group Mediclaim policies

   2.  b) Individual Mediclaim policies

   3.  c) Universal Health policies

   4.  d) Bhavishya Arogya policies

Que. 2 : Q2) The License issued by IRDAI to TPA for servicing of Health Policies is valid for how many years?

   1.  a) 1 year

   2.  b) 2 year

   3.  c) 3 year

   4.  d) 4 year

Que. 3 : Q3) Ahealth insurance policy may be cancelled for all reasons except one. Which one:

   1.  a) Misrepresentation

   2.  b) Fraud

   3.  c) Non-disclosure or non co-operation

   4.  d) Claims history

Que. 4 : Q4) There could be many ways to reduce health insurance premium. Which one of the below listed does not help in reducing premium:

   1.  a) Reduction of benefit

   2.  b) Curtailment of coverage by imposing co-payment

   3.  c) By getting subsidy

   4.  d) TPA option

Que. 5 : Q5) (i) In PLI policy where bodily injury and/or property damage are reported in a series, only each injury/damage is taken as one loss (ii) All the injury claims/damage are taken as one claim upto 1 year (iii) All the injury claims/damage are taken as one claim upto 3 years

   1.  a) (i) is only correct

   2.  b) Statement (ii) is only correct

   3.  c) Statement (iii) is only correct

   4.  d) None is correct