Q1.A person who commits house-trespass if he affects his entrance into the house, or if, being in the house, for the purpose of committing an offense, or having committed an offense therein, he quits the house, such entrance or exit being made in the six ways as described in the penal code. This is an example of ____.
Q2.In COMMERCIAL FIDELITY GUARANTEES, the premium under individual and collective policies is charged on - 1. The number of employees which have been guaranteed 2. The amount of guarantee 3. The type of occupation
   Only 1
   Only 2
   1 and 3
   2 and 3
   All 1, 2 and 3
Q3.The period of Customs Bonds may vary from __.
   Circus animals cannot be insured
  Sum insured is based on a valuation done by the zoo authorities
  Sum insured is based on a valuation done by curator only
  Sum insured is based on a valuation done by the veterinary doctor only
  Sum insured is based on a valuation done by curator and health certificate by a veterinary doctor
Q4.Under Section I of the Money Insurance policy, the premium is charged at __.
   Rate per amount on the sum insured selected
   No premium is charged under Section I
  Half of the regular premium is charged under Section I
  A fixed-rate
   Rate per mile on the estimated amount of transit
Q5.Which type of coverage can be granted under an Event Insurance policy? 1. Cancellation of the event due to accident or illness to the performers 2. Liabilities cover for spectators, participants, and performers 3. “Loss of profit” cover due to cancellation or postponement of the event
   Only 1
   Only 2
   1 and 3
   2 and 3
   All 1,2 and 3
Q6.Discuss - 'Insurable interest arises for a creditor in his debtor’s life'
   No, there is no insurable interest for a creditor in his debtor's life
   Yes, Insurable interest arises for a creditor in his debtor’s life to the extent of Rs. 100000 as fixed by the law
   Yes, Insurable interest arises for a creditor in his debtor’s life to the extent of the debt due to the creditor
   Yes, Insurable interest arises for a creditor in his debtor’s life to the extent of 75% of the debt due to the creditor
   Yes, Insurable interest arises for a creditor in his debtor’s life only if mentioned in the policy terms
Q7.Lift irrigation insurance policy provides indemnity against unforeseen and sudden physical loss and/or damage by - 1. Bursting of pipelines 2. Fire 3. Theft
   Only 1
   Only 3
   1 and 2
   1 and 3
   All 1, 2 and 3
Q8.The maximum age limit for availing Overseas Health policy is __.
   50 years
   55 years
   60 years
   65 years
   70 years
Q9.Which of the following risks are not covered under Destination India policy?
   Medical Emergency Service
   Hijack risk
   Cosmetic Surgery
   Loss of passport
   Emergency repatriation
Q10.A receiver may also be appointed to administer the estate - 1. Of a person who is pronounced mentally incapable 2. Of a person who is in prison 3. Of a minor who is placed under the Court of Wards till he attains majority
   Only 1
   Only 2
   Both 1 and 2
   Both 1 and 3
   All 1, 2 and 3

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