Q1.__ diseases are covered under Critical illness cover. 1. Renal failure 2. Multiple sclerosis 3. Cancer
   1 and 2
   2 and 3
   1, 2 and 3
   Only 3
   1 and 3
Q2.Glass means a plain glass of ordinary glazing quality and does not include -
   All 1, 2 and 3
   None of the above
Q3.Mr. Mahesh has taken a Commercial fidelity Guarantee to cover any direct financial loss which he may suffer as a result of employees’ dishonesty. He also takes an 'Infidelity of employees' extension. Identify the benefit of this extension.
  Due to this extension, the damage caused due to earthquakes is also covered.
   Due to this extension, then 'money in till' in the insured’s premises can be covered
   Due to this extension, then infidelity is covered even if discovered after the specified number of hours.
   Due to this extension, disbursement risk is also covered under the policy
   Due to this extension, then money in burglar resisting safe in the insured’s premises cover for a period in excess of 48 hours can be granted
Q4.The Office protection shield policy offers coverage under 12 sections. What are the minimum number of sections to be insured by owner?
Q5.Which of these is included under FLORICULTURE?
Q6.According to the Principle of Insurable Interest, employers will have ____. 1. Complete and unlimited insurable interest in the lives of their employees 2. Nil insurable interest in the lives of their employees 3. Insurable interest in the lives of their employees in so far as they would suffer in a pecuniary sense by the death or disablement of their employees
   Only 1
   Only 3
   1 and 2
   2 and 3
   All 1,2 and 3
Q7.In the Office protection shield, what are the minimum number of sections to be insured by TENANT?
Q8.The insurer may cancel the health policy (mediclaim) after a notice period of _ to the insured.
  15 days
  30 days  
  1 month
  7 days
  All 1, 2 and 3
Q9.Under the 'Videsh Yatra Mitra' policy, baggage will be termed as Checked Baggage only if - 1. The baggage must be handed over by the insured person 2. The baggage must be accepted by an airline for an International flight for transportation in the same aircraft as the insured person 3. The airline must provide a baggage receipt for the baggage
   Only 1
   Only 2
   1 and 2
   1 and 3
   All 1, 2 and 3
Q10.____ is / are covered under poultry insurance. 1. Death due to lightning 2. Accident due to lightning 3. Death due to fire
   All 1, 2 and 3
  ​_ Only 3
   Only 1
   1 and 3
   2 and 3

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