
Que. 1 : Q1) The Second part of the clause provides which of the following?

   1.  a) Insurance company indemnify the insured owner against the statutory liability arising out of accidents occurring during the currency of the policy

   2.  b) The parties to the contract

   3.  c) Business carried on by the insured owner and specified in the schedule

   4.  d) Written proposal and declaration which is made the basis of the contract and deemed to be incorporated in the policy

Que. 2 : Q2) Many coverage are provided under the policy as extensions depending on the need of the Insured. Say whether True or False.

   1.  a) True

   2.  b) False



Que. 3 : Q3) An employer is liable for the negligence of his employee according to the legal doctrine 'Respondent superior' Say whether True or False.

   1.  a) True

   2.  b) False



Que. 4 : Q4) The ________ will be recorded by the Commissioner in a register in the prescribed manner on being satisfied as its genuineness and retain a copy of the Memorandum.

   1.  a) Record

   2.  b) Data

   3.  c) File

   4.  d) Memorandum

Que. 5 : Q5) Extension of coverage for carriage of effluents outside the premise by paying additional premium is not required if the disposal point is situated within a distance of___________ from the premise.

   1.  a) 0.5 kilometre

   2.  b) 1 kilometre

   3.  c) 2 kilometre

   4.  d) 5 kilometre