
Que. 1 : Q1) Phase IV deals with which of the following?

   1.  a) Workability

   2.  b) Body of knowledge established

   3.  c) Safety of the treatment

   4.  d) Comparison with existing treatment

Que. 2 : Q2) The principle regarding the standard of care was stated in this English case concerning a doctor under which of the following court cases?

   1.  a) Lanphier v. phipos

   2.  b) Chapman v.Walton

   3.  c) Badgley v.Dickson

   4.  d) L.B.joshi v. T.R.Godbole

Que. 3 : Q3) What means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person including death resulting from any of these at any time?

   1.  a) Damage

   2.  b) Hostile fire

   3.  c) Coverage territory

   4.  d) Bodily injury

Que. 4 : Q4) Under which trigger losses that are discovered during period of insurance are covered and although not used by direct insurers, this is common form in the reinsurance market?

   1.  a) Occurrence trigger

   2.  b) Causation trigger

   3.  c) Losses discover trigger

   4.  d) Manifestation trigger

Que. 5 : Q5) In case of a multimodal transport operator liability insurance policy, the rating depends on which of the below?

   1.  a) Limit of liability for cargo & third party liability

   2.  b) Deductibles

   3.  c) Nature of cargo handled

   4.  d) All of the above