
Que. 1 : Q1) Under Public Liability Insurance Act. 1991, the owner is NOT liable to pay relief in the event of :

   1.  a) Damage to property of any person

   2.  b) Injury to any person not resulting in Death

   3.  c) Death of any person

   4.  d) Injury to a Workmen within the meaning of WORKMAN COMPENSATION ACT.

Que. 2 : Q2) _________ includes the Government.

   1.  a) Goods carriage

   2.  b) Third party

   3.  c) Private Service Vehicle

   4.  d) Trailer

Que. 3 : Q3) The GIC Re as administrator shall be paid a fee of _______ of the total premium on motor third party insurance business in respect of the business underwritten for the pooled account.

   1.  a) 10%

   2.  b) 15%

   3.  c) 20%

   4.  d) 25%

Que. 4 : Q4) Motor cover note is generally issued for

   1.  a) In all cases

   2.  b) For renewal only

   3.  c) For new vehicles

   4.  d) Only for third party & theft

Que. 5 : Q5) For all types of vehicles, if no claim made or pending during the preceding 4 consecutive years of insurance, what is the percentage of discount on Own Damage premium?

   1.  a) 25%

   2.  b) 30%

   3.  c) 45%

   4.  d) 50%