
Que. 1 : Q1) The geographical area of Motor Policies cannot be extended to cover

   1.  a) Nepal

   2.  b) Afganistan

   3.  c) Pakistan

   4.  d) Bangaladesh

Que. 2 : Q2) Transport vehicles belonging to Central or State Government, Police, Local body, Ambulance and Goods vehicle having gross vehicle weight not exceeding ____________ are exempted from the necessity of permit.

   1.  a) 500 Kilograms

   2.  b) 1500 Kilograms

   3.  c) 2000 Kilograms

   4.  d) 3000 Kilograms

Que. 3 : Q3) Which of the following is not an accessory in motor vehicle?

   1.  a) Fog light Assy

   2.  b) Steering wheel cover

   3.  c) Driver seat Assy

   4.  d) Sun visor

Que. 4 : Q4) Three basic principles govern the determination of compensation in injury disablement claims. In case of grave injury, where the brain suffers massive impairment, it is difficult to arrive at a fair compensation in terms of money. The __________ envisages that the award must basically be a 'conventional figure' derived from experience.

   1.  a) Principle of Assessability

   2.  b) Principle of Uniformity

   3.  c) Principle of Predictability

   4.  d) None of the above

Que. 5 : Q5) What is the percentage of agency commission or brokerage payable in respect of motor third party insurance business?

   1.  a) 10%

   2.  b) 12%

   3.  c) 15%

   4.  d) No agency commission