
Que. 1 : Q1) Under new MV Act 1988, section 140 for making an award the Tribunal has only got to satisfy that: Statement A : The accident has arisen out of use of motor vehicle and it resulted in permanent disablement or death of a person, Statement B : The claim is made against the owner and insurer of the motor vehicle involved in the accident in case of injuries and by the legal heirs in case of death.

   1.  a) Only statement “A” is correct,

   2.  b) Only statement “B” is correct,

   3.  c) Both the statements are correct,

   4.  d) Both the statements are incorrect.

Que. 2 : Q2) If vehicle climbs on a payment causing bodily injuries to pedestrians walking on the footpath, then the circumstances indicate that there has been ___________ and the claimants need not prove negligence.

   1.  a) Doctrine of res ipsa loquitur

   2.  b) Prima facie negligence

   3.  c) Volenti Non-fit injuria

   4.  d) None of these

Que. 3 : Q3) The insured of a private car has lodged a claim under third party section of the package policy claiming compensation of Rs.30,000/- which he had given at the spot of the accident to the injured victim to get away from the furious mob. He has produced a vaild stamped and notarized receipt from the injured. Which section allows payment of compensation to the insured under the said circumstances?

   1.  a) Sec. 151

   2.  b) Sec. 157

   3.  c) Sec. 158

   4.  d) None of the above

Que. 4 : Q4)Which of the following statement is correct?

   1.  a) Motor policy issued for a short period can be extended

   2.  b) Motor policy can be extended by collecting difference of premium on short period basis.

   3.  c) Motor policy can be extended by collection difference of premium on pro-rata basis.

   4.  d) Motor policy issued on short period rating cannot be extended.

Que. 5 : Q5) For speeding up the process of litigation and speedy disposal of cases DICC/ RICC had been set up in _______ by General insurers in order to explore the possibility

   1.  a) 1992

   2.  b) 1995

   3.  c) 1997

   4.  d) 1999