
Que. 1 : Q1) Which of the following documents is not required for processing private car Own Damage Claims?

   1.  a) Driving license

   2.  b) Registration certificate book

   3.  c) Fitness Certificate

   4.  d) Final bill from repairers

Que. 2 : Q2) As per Rule 3 of Motor Vehicle act a person holding a Learner's license Should fulfill the condition:

   1.  a) Accompanied by an instructor who is sitting in a position from where the vehicle can be controlled

   2.  b) Letter L is printed at front and rear

   3.  c) Prohibition of carrying any other person on a two wheeler

   4.  d) All of the above

Que. 3 : Q3) Section 173(2) is not applicable if the award of MACT is

   1.  a) Less than Rs.5000/-

   2.  b) Less than Rs.10000/-

   3.  c) Less than Rs.5000/-

   4.  d) Irrespective of the quantum

Que. 4 : Q4) The __________ challenging the order passed by a single judge of the High Court Under Section 140 of MV Act 1988 was found maintainable in[Chandra Kant Sinha vs. OIC Co.Ltd & Anors.2002 ACJ 210(SC) ]

   1.  a) Modification of award

   2.  b) Limitation on Jurisdiction

   3.  c) Letters Patent Appeal

   4.  d) Place to sue

Que. 5 : Q5) __________ can capture data from all sources and turn it into information that's relevant to the business.

   1.  a) Predictive analytics

   2.  b) Data security

   3.  c) Enhanced Analytics

   4.  d) Enterprise intelligence