
Que. 1 : Q1) Which of the following exclusions does not appear in own damage section of private car package policy?

   1.  a) Mechanical breakdown

   2.  b) Wear and tear

   3.  c) Electrical breakdown

   4.  d) Malicious damage

Que. 2 : Q2) The transferor must apply within _______ from the date of transfer in writing under recorded delivery to the insurer, who has insured the vehicle with the details of the registration of vehicle and the date of transfer of the vehicle.

   1.  a) 14 days

   2.  b) 30 days

   3.  c) 45 days

   4.  d) 60 days

Que. 3 : Q3) If the age of the vehicle is exceeding 4 years but not exceeding 5 years, what is the percentage of depreciation?

   1.  a) 10%

   2.  b) 20%

   3.  c) 25%

   4.  d) 35%

Que. 4 : Q4) Under Section 169(2) of the MV Act 1988, MACT shall have all the powers of a ________ for the purpose of taking evidence, enforcing attendance of witnesses, and compelling the discovery and production of documents etc.

   1.  a) District Court

   2.  b) Civil Court

   3.  c) High Court

   4.  d) District Forum

Que. 5 : Q5) Defence available with the Driver of the Vehicle against negligence :

   1.  a) Act of god

   2.  b) Emergency

   3.  c) Inevitable Accident

   4.  d) All the above