Q1.The Own Damage premium for private cars is based on - 1. The Cubic Capacity of the Car 2. Zone of registration of the vehicle 3. Age of the driver 4. Age of the vehicle
   Only 1, 2 and 3
   Only 2, 3 and 4
   Only 1, 2 and 4
   Only 1
   All 1, 2 3 and 4
Q2.As per India Motor Tariff, private cars are those which have a capacity of __.
   Below 1000 cc
   Between 1000 to 1500 cc
   Above 1500 cc
   All of the above
   None of the above
Q3.In the case of a motor insurance claim, if the role of advocate appears to be doubtful, this misconduct must be dealt with in accordance with the laid down guidelines in the ____.
   Indian Criminal Code
   Motor Vehicles Act
   Indian Penal Code
   Advocate Act
   Criminal Procedure Act
Q4.For a 'No claim bonus' given under motor insurance policy, which these statement(s) is correct? 1. The maximum NCB - No claim bonus allowed is 50% 2. The No Claim Bonus cannot be transferred from one insurance company to another 3. No Claim Bonus is allowed on premium for own damage and also on the premium on the third party
   Only 1
   Only 2
   Only 1 and 3
   Only 2 and 3
   All 1, 2 and 3
Q5.With respect to 'Hit and run accident', which of these statement(s) is /are TRUE? 1. Hit and Run is an accident if the identity of the motor vehicle causing the accident cannot be established 2. A fixed compensation of Rs 20000 will be provided in respect of grievous hurt to any person resulting from a ‘hit and run motor accident 3. A fixed compensation of Rs 25000 will be provided in respect of the death of any person resulting from a ‘hit and run accident
   Only 1
   Only 1 and 2
   Only 1 and 3
   Only 3
   All 1, 2 and 3
Q6.Gaurav wanted to get his car insured so he approached XYZ Insurance Company. In the process of filling up the proposal form, he did not mention an accident that occurred recently due to his motor car. Which principle of insurance did he violate?
   Proximate cause
   Utmost good faith
   Insurable interest
Q7.What will be the discount available to a person if he/she is a member of the Western India Automobile Association?
   5% discount on third party premium
   5% discount on Own Damage premium with a maximum discount of Rs 100
   5% discount on Own Damage premium with a maximum discount of Rs 200
   5% discount on Own Damage premium with a maximum discount of Rs 500
   5% discount on Own Damage premium
Q8.What are pecuniary damages?
   Pecuniary damages are those which the victim has actually incurred but are not capable of being identified
   Pecuniary damages are those which the victim has actually incurred and are capable of being identified
   Pecuniary damages are those which the victim has actually incurred but they cannot be quantified in terms of money
   Pecuniary damages are those which the victim has notionally incurred and are capable of being identified
  Pecuniary damages are those which the victim has notionally incurred but is not capable of being identified
Q9.What has to be proved to claim compensation under the motor insurance liability in Germany?
  Usually, no proof is required unless the driver was under the influence of an intoxicating drug
  Nonadherence of road rules of Germany needs to be proved
  Usually, no proof is required except in case of a deliberate attempt to cause the accident
   The negligence of the driver of the vehicle is required to be proved to claim compensation
  There was a deliberate attempt to cause an accident by the driver of the vehicle and this is required to be proved to claim compensation
Q10.What should be considered in fixing the IDV of a motor vehicle? 1. The adjustment for depreciation 2. The listed selling price of the car by manufacturer 3. The IDV of accessories and sidecars fitted
   Only 2
   All 1, 2 and 3
   Only 1 and 2
   Only 2 and 3
   Only 1 and 3

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