
Que. 1 : Q1) What is the age limit for driving a Geared Motorcycles and other vehicles?

   1.  a) 16 years

   2.  b) 18 years

   3.  c) 20 years

   4.  d) 25 years

Que. 2 : Q2) It was for the ____________ [ in (United India Insurance Co.Ltd v Rajendra Singh) 2000 ACJ 1032] and [in(Oriental Insurance Co Ltd v R.Mani) 2000 ACJ 247 (Mad) ] that such power of review was recognized and vested that the MACT.

   1.  a) First time

   2.  b) Second time

   3.  c) Third time

   4.  d) Fourth time

Que. 3 : Q3) The time limit normally allowed for presenting claimpetition u/s 166 is

   1.  a) 3 months

   2.  b) 6 months

   3.  c) 9 months

   4.  d) 1 year

Que. 4 : Q4) The maximum validity period of a motor cover note is

   1.  a) 15 days

   2.  b) 30 days

   3.  c) 60 days

   4.  d) 365 days

Que. 5 : Q5) An MACT case can be filed:

   1.  a) In the area of accident

   2.  b) Anywhere in India

   3.  c) Any place near to U/W office

   4.  d) At the place where the victim belonged to