
Que. 1 : Q1) In Provision of CPC relevant to MACT Which of the following Section deals with General powers to amend?

   1.  a) Section 133

   2.  b) Section 148

   3.  c) Section 151

   4.  d) Section 153

Que. 2 : Q2) When specific risk differs within the same class, merit rating is carried out which modified class rate based on individual loss experience and in motor the impact of age, gender leads to ___________.

   1.  a) Judgement rating

   2.  b) Class rating

   3.  c) Differential rating

   4.  d) Schedule rating

Que. 3 : Q3) Which of the following are examples of Non-Premium bearing endorsement?

   1.  a) Rectification in contact details                                

   2.  b) Transfer of ownership

   3.  c) Addition of LPG/CNG Kit

   4.  d) Change of RTO Location

Que. 4 : Q4) Geographical extension is not allowed to which one of the following countries

   1.  a) Nepal

   2.  b) Bhutan

   3.  c) Afahanistan

   4.  d) Maldives

Que. 5 : Q5) The liability of the owner of the motor vehicle to pay compensation for death claims on no fault of him under the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 is

   1.  a) Rs.50000

   2.  b) Rs.10000

   3.  c) Rs.25000

   4.  d) Unlimited