
Que. 1 : Q1) Average yield multiplied by indemnity limit gives ___________.

   1.  a) Widespread yield

   2.  b) Threshold yield

   3.  c) Actual yield

   4.  d) Localised yield

Que. 2 : Q2) For 2 years policy, what is the Long term discount in Agriculture pump set Insurance?

   1.  a) 15%

   2.  b) 25%

   3.  c) 30%

   4.  d) 50%

Que. 3 : Q3) Which cow breeds are high milk yielders, but the bullocks are of poor draught quality?

   1.  a) Dual purpose breeds

   2.  b) Milch breeds

   3.  c) Draught breeds

   4.  d) Buffalo breeds

Que. 4 : Q4) Private crop-hail insurance was first introduced in ______ in 1887 by the continental insurance companies.

   1.  a) India

   2.  b) Germany

   3.  c) USA

   4.  d) Russia

Que. 5 : Q5) For issue of Death Certificate, what was the fees per animal?

   1.  a) Rs.10/-

   2.  b) Rs.20/-

   3.  c) Rs.30/-

   4.  d) Rs.40/-