Q 1. Group A of Institute Time Clauses deals with
   a) Warranties
   b) Collision Liability
   c) Amount payable
   d) Risks covered and Risks Excluded
Q2.Based on complete details as revealed in a proposal form and additional information received, a Hull Underwriter should quote a rate commensurate with the type of losses that can arise. Which of the following is not one of these?
   a) Collision Liabilities
   b) Sue and Labour expenses
   c) General Average contribution
   d) Partial Loss
Q3.The underwriting result of a vessel or fleet are considerably influenced by which of the following?
   a) Material used in the making of the vessel
   b) Safety equipment installed in the vessel
   c) Deductible imposed
   d) All of the above
Q4.Which of the following is not covered under the Navigation and Removals Ashore Clause for a vessel whilst ashore?
   a) Repair
   b) Theft
   c) Overhaul
   d) Refitting
Q5.What is a professional body which is run by and for its members and it represents national and international marine insurers and considers issues of interest to the worldwide marine insurance industry?
   a) International Maritime Bureau
   b) Joint War Committee
   c) The Institute of London Underwriters
   d) The International Union of Marine Insurance
Q6.Which of the following is true regards excess of loss marine reinsurance agreement?
   a) Reinsurer pays excess of an ultimate net loss
   b) Reinsurer bears entire in case it exceeds an ultimate net loss
   c) Reinsurer does not pay anything in case the loss exceeds a specified limit
  d) Reinsurer pays a fixed amount irrespective of the size of the loss
Q7.____ carries cargo whenever and wherever it is available, mostly cargo, very often seasonal in character, for which she is usually chartered?
   a) Liner
   b) Ocean vessels
   c) Cargo vessels
   d) Tramp
Q8.Which of the following is/are essential features of Sue and Labour charges?
  a) Charges must be incurred to avoid a loss covered by the policy or to minimize such loss
   b) They must be incurred by the insured or any other person acting
  c) The charges must have been incurred shortly after the destination. e.g.at intermediate point or port
  d) Expenses must be incurred for the benefit of the subject-matter insured and not for common expenditure
Q9.What is a facility to receive Water-borne vessels and to facilitate loading/unloading of cargo or embarkation/disembarkation of passengers on these vessels?
   a) Mortgage
   b) Marine Insurance
   c) Bulk terminal
  d) Seaport
Q10.Section 55 (2) enumerates the losses which are not payable. Which of the following is/are an example of these?
   a) Willful misconduct of the assured
   b) Delay caused by an insured peril
   c) Injury to machinery not proximaterly caused by maritime perils
   d) All of the above

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