Q1.Identify the reason as to why it is necessary to re-bale even the damaged material as per the 'Picking Clause'?
   Because it will enable the insurer to value the cargo and pay the right amount of claim in the event of loss
   Because the insurance claim in the event of a loss can be recovered from a third party
   Because by doing so the good material can be separated out
   Because even the damaged material will have to have to be returned as a part of the insurance claim
  Because the damaged material does have a salvage value and the insurer is liable for the insured value of the pickings less the salvage proceeds of the picked material
Q2.In the 'Documents against payment' method of payment, which bank releases the documents to the buyer, to collect the shipment, once the buyer has paid the amount of the Bill of Exchange?
   Reserve Bank of India
   Advising Bank
   Transferring Bank
   Remitting Bank
   Collecting Bank
Q3.Vijay wants to know the advantages of an Open Cover. Guide him as to which of the following is the correct option.
  1. Open cover is automatic and continuous 2. Savings in administrative costs for both insurers and their clients 3. The premium rates are agreed at inception and this assists the insured to identify his costs of insurance right at the outset
   1. There are many holidays in India and if consignments are to be sent during holidays, it will be difficult to arrange for the insurance. 2. If any insurance is wrongly taken or not taken by mistake, corrections cannot be done
   1. There is no compulsion on the insured to insure all the consignments with one insurance company during a period as he can change the insurance company for each shipment. 2. If any insurance is wrongly taken or not taken by mistake, corrections cannot be done
  1. There is no compulsion on the insured to insure all the consignments. If he wishes he may not insure at all. 2. If there are many transits during a period of time, it will become very difficult to control the operational part as it is not easy to arrange for many policies before the commencement of each transit.
   In an Open Cover, the rates are also not fixed. They will vary with market conditions etc., and so there is no certainty that the cover will be granted and at what price.
Q4.In the absence of an inquiry, ____ need not be disclosed to the insured by the insurer.
  The total value of insurance
   Insurance Duration
   Facts of common knowledge
   Compensation amount
   Premium amount
Q5.Which of these options is correct with respect to insurance for containers in Inland Transport?
   The containers are insured subject to Institute Container Clauses in inland transport
   The containers are not protected against damage or loss due to fire in inland transport
  The containers are treated as cargo and they are insured just like cargo carried in sailing vessels
  In inland transport, the containers are treated as cargo and they are insured under Inland Transit Clauses
  In inland transport, the containers are not protected against the risk of the overturning vehicles
Q6.Identify the CORRECT statement with respect to Lloyd’s Agents.
   Lloyd’s Agents are basically underwriting agents
   Lloyd’s was incorporated and given the power to appoint agents as per the Act of U.K Parliament in 1971
   Lloyd’s Agents are also members of the International Maritime Bureau
   Lloyd’s Agency is responsible for the appointment and control of Lloyd’s Agents
  Lloyd’s Agents cannot settle any claim on behalf of an underwriter
Q7.In case the nature and value of goods have not been declared by the consignor then the maximum limit of monetary liability payable by the MTO for goods in package or units is __.
   5 SDR per unit
   222.23 SDR per unit
   2 SDR per unit
   666.67 SDR per unit
   10 SDR per unit
Q8.Which shipping materials should Mr. Satish use when he is shipping Cocoa Beans?
   Wooden cases or boxes
   Corrugated cartons
Q 9. Who establishes the standards, guidelines, and rules for the design, construction, and survey of ships and of other marine structures?
   Ship Classification Societies
   Marine Classification Societies
   Institute of London Underwriters
   Vessel Classification Societies
   Flag of convenience
Q10.The Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) is a member of __.
   Tariff Advisory Committee
   International Association of Classification Societies
  Organization of Lloyd's
   International Chamber of Commerce
   Institute of London Underwriters

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