Q1.During a war, if the contract of carriage is terminated and the goods are discharged short of destination, what options does the assured have with the goods?
   Since the goods were discharged short of destination, the assured can send legal notice to the carriage owner
   As the war is in force, the goods will remain on the carriage till the war is over
   The goods may be sold locally or forwarded by some other means to the destination named in the policy
   The assured can request the carriage owner to buy the goods at a mutually agreed price
  The shipowner and the assured have to wait for the war to get over and then the goods will be discharged at the destination
Q2.Sometimes, due to overbooking, etc., some cargo is short shipped as there is a lack of space on the ship. This is known as ___.
   Overflow Cargo
   Shutout Cargo
   Excess Cargo
   Overloaded Cargo
   Overbooked Cargo
Q3.Mr. A has sold some goods to Mr. B and sends these goods on CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) basis. In this trade, who will arrange for the insurance cover?
  Mr. A has to arrange the insurance up to the destination
  Mr. A has to arrange the insurance up to placing goods on board the steamer
  It's the responsibility of Mr. B after the goods are placed on board the steamer
  Mr. B has to arrange the insurance up to placing goods on board the steamer
  Mr. B has to arrange the insurance up to the destination
Q4.When does the cover of insurance come into force for goods sent through Registered Post?
  The insurance cover comes into force from the time the goods are delivered to the seller as mentioned in the policy
  The insurance cover comes into force from the time the insured goods are loaded on the vehicle which will transport them to the post office
  The insurance cover comes into force when the insured fills up the Declaration Form and submits it to the concerned post office
  The insurance cover comes into force from the time the insured goods are deposited at the post office at the place mentioned in the policy
  The insurance cover comes into force from the time the goods are manufactured and stored at the sellers' place and are ready to be dispatched to the post office
Q5.The goods which were in a ship are declared to be missing. This is an example of __.
   Salvage Total Loss
   General Average Loss
   Particular Average Loss
   Actual Total Loss
   Constructive Total Loss
Q6.Identify the correct statement with respect to 'Cessation of the War Risks cover'.
   War Cover ceases when the goods are discharged from the overseas vessel
  War Cover ceases when the goods get loaded on to the trucks to be transported to the vessel
   War Cover ceases if the unloading of the goods is delayed beyond 3 days after the overseas vessel reaches the destination port
   War Cover ceases if the unloading of the goods is delayed beyond 7 days after the overseas vessel reaches the destination port
  War Cover ceases when the goods get loaded onto the vessel
Q7.With respect to Marine Open Cover, which of these statements is NOT correct?
 (a) In an open cover, there is a specific sum insured
 (b) In Marine Open Cover, the premium rates are agreed upon at the beginning, therefore the insured knows his insurance costs at the outset
 (C) Marine Open Cover is not a policy so it is not stamped
  (d) There are two limits in Open Cover and Limit per bottom and Limit per location
  (e) Marine Open Cover provides continuous insurance protection to regular importers and exporters
Q8.Under the COGSA Act 1925, the maximum time limit to file a suit for claiming losses from a carrier is ___.
  The maximum time is within 15 days after delivery of goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered
  The maximum time is within 1 month after the delivery of goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered
  The maximum time is within 3 months after delivery of goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered
  The maximum time is within 6 months after delivery of goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered
  The maximum time is within 1 year after delivery of goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered
Q9.When does the period of insurance start for War Risks Cover?
   The War Risk Cover is attached to the goods only if there is a war between the importing and exporting country
  The War Risk Cover is attached to the goods immediately when the goods are loaded on the trucks from the exporter's warehouses
   The War Risk Cover is attached to the goods only when they are loaded on the overseas vessel
   The War Risk Cover is attached to the goods when the overseas vessel containing the goods reaches the destination port
  The War Risk Cover is attached to the goods on the conclusion of the contract of a cargo policy
Q10.____ arrangement helps to reduce the ceding company’s exposure to individual risks more efficiently than proportional reinsurance.
   Auto-Fac Treaty
   Excess of loss Treaty
   Surplus Treaty
   Quota Share Treaty

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