Q1.Which problem can an assessor come across when the loss assessment of household goods and personal effects is being carried out?
  Insured may not be able to produce proofs of values in the form of vouchers, bills, etc.
   The insured may manipulate the bills etc.
   The insured may present a worse picture of the damage than the actual damage
   It is not possible to professionally value household goods etc.
   The insured can manipulate the damages
Q2.What is the fundamental thing which an insurer should take care of if it wants to ensure a reasonable profit on operations of the business?
   Maintain a decent law of averages
   Expansion of the insurance base in rural areas
   Sound underwriting
   Effective marketing plan
   Very competitive premium
Q3.Which document has to be furnished to the surveyors before proceeding with the survey?
   Actuarial report
   Underwriter’s report
   Claim document
   Aadhar Card/Pan card
   FIR with police
Q4.Which of these is the odd man out?
   Crackers and Fireworks
  Coir lose
   Celluloid Goods
Q5.What will give a fairly clear guide to the real rate of gross profit?
   Gross profit earned during the last three months immediately before the date of damage
   Gross profit earned during the calendar year immediately before the date of damage
   Gross profit earned during the financial year immediately before the date of damage
   Average of last three years of gross profit
   Average of last five years of gross profit
Q6.The risks emerging from which of these suppliers cannot be covered?
   Service sector suppliers
   Suppliers who are abroad
  Suppliers who carry the risky process
  Suppliers who are from the public sector
   Suppliers who are in n the coastal areas
Q7.Which of the following option is a crucial difference between a Normal policy and an Output policy?
  Output policy is risk-free from the point of view of insured
  The burden upon the insured to minimize the loss in every way is extremely strict in case of an Output policy
   The burden upon the insured to minimize the loss in every way is extremely strict in case of a Normal policy
  Normal policy is risk-free from the point of view of insured
  Output policy is risk-free from the point of view of the insurer
Q8.An insurance company claims that the concept of VALUE has been defined under the insurance policy law as - 'Value of a property may be defined as the worth of anything in terms of something else for which it can be exchanged either with other goods or in terms of money'. - Is this claim correct?
  Yes, it's correct
  Yes, it's correct but this has not been given in the insurance law. It is a general meaning assigned to the word
   No, as this is the definition for Market Price
   No, the definition is not clear
  No, this definition is a vague definition. There is a different definition of value in the insurance law
Q9.In the Risk Inspection Report, what should be mentioned in respect of the machinery used in the process of manufacture?
   Details of the country and the name of the manufacturer of the machine
   Details of the parts used in the machine
   Details of the ISO certifications
   Details of the age and condition of the machine
   Details of whether the machine has ISI etc. marks
Q10.The surveyor himself may prepare the estimate if __.
   repairs are major
   repairs are moderate
   repairs are minor
   repairs cannot be undertaken
   repairs are beyond the budget

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