Q1.Given that : Rate per unit exposure = Rs.112.90 Fixed expenses per exposure = Rs. 12.50 Variable expense factor = 17.5% Profit and contingency factor = 5.0% The Pure premium will be :
   a) Rs.25
   b) Rs.50
   c) Rs.75
   d) Rs.100
Q2.Which method estimates ultimate loss by adding together actual reported loss with expected future incurred development?
   a) Triangular methods
   b) Reserve Development methods
   c) Bornhuetter- Ferguson(BF) Method
   d) None of these
Q3.Examine the following two statements and state if they are true or false. A) A risk-neutral decision-maker would have a utility function that is linear. B) A risk-averse decision-maker would have a utility function that decreased at progressively lower rates.
   a) True
   b) False
Q4.Which method is most commonly used to estimate ultimate loss levels consist of tracking the history of a group of claims with similar definitional groupings and the data for this purpose are arranged in a triangular loss format?
   a) Triangular methods
   b) Reserve Development methods
   c) Bornhuetter- Ferguson(BF) Method
   d) None of these
Q5.Which theory contemplates the involvement of more than one player, each with a set of strategies?
   a) Game theory
   b) Utility theory
Q6.Which of the following method, if any, is not applicable for Review of Increased Limit Experience -
   a) Trending Individual Loss
  b) Fitted size of the loss distribution
   c) Loss development by layers
   d) Past experience analysis
Q7.What is the amount of unpaid claim liability shown on external or internal financial statements?
   a) Indicated loss reserve
   b) Carried loss reserve
   c) Required loss reserve
   d) Loss reserve margin
Q8. Dynamic financial analysis can be explained as:
   a) It is the ongoing valuation of business keeping all values constant
   b) It is a model with fixed parameters
   c) Model type changes as the values remain fixed
   d) It is a perspective and not a statistical tool
Q9.What does the ARMA model stand for?
   a) Automatic. Revenue Management Accounting
   b) Average Rule of Moving Autoregression
   c) Autoregressive Moving Average
   d) Accounting Resources Management Analysis
Q10.Speculative risk can be explained as :
   a) There is a chance of loss and a chance of gain
   b) There is a chance of loss but no chance of gain
   c) There is no chance of loss but a chance of gain
   d) None of the above

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