
Que. 1 : Q1) As per Regulation 9 of IRDAI(Investment) (Fifth Amendment) Regulations 2013, every insurer shall submit a statement of Investment & Income on Investment in ____________.

   1.  a) Form 1

   2.  b) Form 2

   3.  c) Form 3

   4.  d) Form 4

Que. 2 : Q2) Which section in the Companies Act 2013 would governs the contents and disclosures of annual report of a company?

   1.  a) Section 136

   2.  b) Section 140

   3.  c) Section 208

   4.  d) Section 217

Que. 3 : Q3) Which method is applied in the case of assets of wasting nature as well as to intangible assets like patents,copyrights and Rate of depreciation per unit is determined by dividing total cost by expected number of output in contrast to number of years?

   1.  a) Straight Line Method

   2.  b) Diminishing Balance Method

   3.  c) Depletion Method

   4.  d) Revaluation Method

Que. 4 : Q4) Which of the following is an subsidiary books?

   1.  a) Claims paid account

   2.  b) Premium register

   3.  c) Bank account

   4.  d) Commission account

Que. 5 : Q5) Which treaty are generally entered into to reinsure loss in respect of property claims and the retention and limit are decided separately for each risk insured by the primary insurer?

   1.  a) Per occurrence excess

   2.  b) Per Risk Excess Treaty

   3.  c) Aggregate excess

   4.  d) None of these