Q1.Which of the following statements about Critical Illness products is False?
  a) They provide insurance against dreaded diseases such as cancer, heart attack, Renal failure, etc
   b) They cover the actual cost of treatment related to critical illness
   c) They are available as standalone products or as a packaged health insurance product
  d) They Provide for High Sum Insured limits with lump-sum payouts
Q2.Who among the Following, is Notand nbsp; included in the Definition of 'Consumer', as per Consumer Protection (Amendment) Act, 2002?
   a) Any Person, who buys Any Goods, for a consideration; and includes Any User of such Goods.
   b) Any Person, who hires or avails of Any Services, for a Consideration.
   c) Any Person, who avails Any Service; and is also the Beneficiary of that Service.
   d) A Person, who obtains the Goods, for Re-Sale or for Any Commercial Purpose.
Q3.Which of the below is not a valid consideration for a contract?
   a) Money
   b) Property
   c) Bribe
   d) Jewellery
Q4.Which One of the Following, is Notand nbsp; a Know-Your-Customer (K.Y.C.) Document?
   a) Photograph
   b) Age-Proof
   c) Address-Proof
   d) Horoscope
Q5.The cover note in motor insurance contains the following details EXCEPT:
   a) Name and address of the insured
  b) Date of expiry of the insurance
   c) Nature of job of the insured
   d) Registration, Engine and chassis numbers
Q6.Rajesh has taken out an individual health insurance policy with a sum insured of Rs.1,00,000. Rajesh also has a health cover of Rs.1,00,000 from his employer. Rajesh falls ill and has to be hospitalized, resulting in a hospital bill of Rs. 25,000.
   a) Rajesh will get a total claim of Rs 25,000
   b) Rajesh will get a total claim of Rs 50,000
   c) Rajesh will not get a claim since an Individual cannot take more than one health insurance policy
   d) Rajesh will get a claim of Rs 1 lakh
Q7.Money-Laundering is the Process of Bringing____ Money, into an Economy, by Hiding its__ Origin, so that, it appears to be Legally Acquired.
   a) Illegal, Illegal
   b) Legal, Legal
   c) Illegal, Legal
   d) Legal, Illegal
Q8.A cover note shows
  a) a list of the insureds that the broker wishes insurers to add to the risk.
  b) a list of marine cargo shipments being declared by the insured for the insurer's approval.
  c) the agreed terms, rate, conditions, and insurers subscribing to a risk.
   d) a list of the insurers that the broker wishes to subscribe to a risk.
Q9.Which of the following statements is true?(1) Insurance is a method of sharing the losses of a few by the many. (2) Insurance is a method of transferring the risk of an individual to a group of individuals
   a) Only Statement 1
   b) Only Statement 2
   c) Both Statements
   d) Neither of the Statements
Q10.Which One of the Following, is Notand nbsp;a Common Exclusion of Disablement, arising from: (a) Self-Injury or Suicide. (b) War and Allied Perils. (c) Accident, while Under Influence of Alcohol or Drugs. (d) Accident, while On-Duty.
   a) Only Option-(a) is Correct.
   b) Only Option-(b) is Correct.
  c) the Only Option-(c) is Correct.
   d) Only Option-(d) is Correct.

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