
Que. 1 : Q1) Which of the following is incorrect with regards to cashless facility in health insurance?

   1.  a) Insured is required to settle the hospitalisation expenses at the time of discharge from hospital

   2.  b) Provided only at the network hospitals

   3.  c) Under the planned cashless claims the insured is aware of the hospitalisation 2-3 days in advance

   4.  d) Under the emergency cashless claims the insured meets with sudden accident that requires immediate hospitalisation

Que. 2 : Q2) How much is the share of Government spending on the total health expenditure in our country

   1.  a) One third

   2.  b) One Fourth

   3.  c) One Fifth

   4.  d) One Sixth

Que. 3 : Q3) Which of the following is not excluded under personal accident insurance.

   1.  a) attempted suicide

   2.  b) suicide

   3.  c) service in the armed forces

   4.  d) air travel in standard type of aircraft

Que. 4 : Q4) Arjun has taken a common health insurance policy for himself and his spouse. Which type of policy is this?

   1.  a) Joint Policy

   2.  b) Family Floater policy

   3.  c) Group Policy

   4.  d) Any of the above

Que. 5 : Q5) Who among the following is responsible for Underwriting medical and non-medical proposals according to the guidelines laid down by the Insurance company and the regulator?

   1.  a) Chief Medical officer

   2.  b) Underwriting Support team

   3.  c) Core Underwriting team

   4.  d) Medical Team