Q1.When a policyholder has a complaint to make, he should first approach the __. |
Insurance Ombudsman |
Local court |
Nodal officer |
Appellate officer |
Grievance or Consumer Complaints cell of the insurer |
Q2.Insurance would become a gambling transaction if there was no principle of ___. |
Fixed returns |
Proximate clause |
Berrima Fides |
Insurable interest |
Indemnity |
Q3.What could be a reason for partial reductions in claimed amount? |
Lack of liquidity in insurance companies |
Lack of proper documentation by insured |
Misguided advice by TPA |
Lack of proper documentation by TPA |
Lack of proper documentation by hospital |
Q4.When a person has a cashless medical cover, he need not keep surplus ___. |
hospital list |
insurance covers |
medicines |
prescriptions |
liquidity |
Q5.Which of the following is NOT a core principle and does not form an integral part of an insurance contract? |
Berrima Fides |
Indemnity |
Benefit |
Insurable interest |
Contribution |
Q6.Which of the below statements is/are CORRECT in relation to administrative location. This should be in the context of the regulatory system. |
In the context of a small country with limited regulatory manpower or in the case of regulators dealing with integrated insurers which also underwrite non-health businesses, having a health insurance regulator within the overall insurance regulatory structure is mandatory |
A health insurance regulator can’t be housed within a health ministry or in an insurance regulatory agency |
In the case of several countries, an independent health insurance agency located outside the health ministry and also outside the regulatory mechanism for non-health insurance entities is also an option |
Both 1 and 2 are correct |
Both 1 and 3 are correct |
Q7.A score of 4.1 was received by which of the following options in context to - 'Taking measures for post-sales dissonance of health insurance – Customer Feedback'? |
Call recording and quality check on health telesales personnel |
Regular assessment of all enrolled hospitals |
Customer complaints & grievance handling system |
Process of getting online customer feedback on the website |
Regular health insurance customer satisfaction surveys |
Q8.For which type of health insurance are 'health status' and 'age' important underwriting considerations? |
Family |
Individual |
Community |
Corporate |
Group |
Q9.Consider a scenario - 'The insurer is claiming that the proposer suppressed or provided misleading or false information on any matter material to grant of a cover'. In such cases, the onus of providing the proof lies with ___. |
concerned insurance agent |
Signatory of the contract |
Insurer |
Insured |
Health care provider |
Q10.___ depends on the mix of investment options chosen by the insurer, as also the general environment in the economy. |
Investment risk |
Liquidity risk |
Speculative risk |
Insurance risk |
Business environment risk |