Q1.Which of the following countries of the world has introduced or provides insurance for the elderly ‘Medicare Medicaid’ for the poor but there are growing concerns over the sustainability?
Q2.There are certain regulator tools with regard to licensing and registration. Which of the following is not in its domain?
   Validate the management background
   Validate the proposer background
   Validate the integrity of the management
   Checkup the financial strength of management
   Checkup business plans of the insurers
Q3.What is the measure(s) under technology and process interface for fraud prevention?
   Doctor seeding
   Training & communication
   Creation of fraud database
   Propensity modeling
   Creation of consumer awareness
Q4.Which data analysis can help an actuary to calculate the expected cost of claims for policies with various sum-insured amounts?
   Written premium
  Claims analysis by age band s
   Claims analysis by geographic location
   Claims probability distribution
   Earned premium
Q5.Which of the following statement/s is/are correct with regard to the most important factors to be considered while pricing a health insurance product? 1. The cost of paying benefits 2. Profit margin 3. Administrative cost
   Only statement 1 is correct
   Only statement 2 is correct
   Statements 1 and 3 are correct, 2 is incorrect
   Statements 2 and 3 are correct, 1 is incorrect
   Statements 1 and 2 are correct, 3 is incorrect
Q6.Which is INCORRECT with respect to the cashless facility in health insurance?
  It is provided in-network hospitals only
  The insured is required to settle the hospitalization expenses at the time of discharge from the hospital
  Under emergency cashless claims, the insured meets with a sudden accident that requires immediate hospitalization
  Under planned cashless claims, the insured is aware of the hospitalization 2-3 days in advance
   None of the above
Q7.A data warehouse is a __ of an organization's electronically stored data.
Q8.What is the main role of an actuary in the claim reserving process?
   To set aside a reserve for the claims reported
   To calculate the future claims payments
   To estimate the IBNR claims reserves
   To estimate the earned premiums reserves
Q9.What common perception often motivates customers to exaggerate their claims?
  The insurance company pays less than what you claim even if it is a true loss assessment
   The insurance company pays less than what you claim even if it is improper loss assessment
  The insurance company pays more than what you claim even if it is a true loss assessment
  The insurance company pays more than what you claim even if it is an improper loss assessment
   The insurance company pays less than what you claim even if it is improper loss assessment
Q10.The primary function of the ICD-10 coding system is to ____.
  deliver data to decision-makers through report writing and query tools
   provide codes to classify diseases
   integrate the data collected from insurers into logical subject areas
   aggregate analysis of all health insurance data
   integrate the data collected from insurers into logical subject areas

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