
Que. 1 : Q1) Which of the following policies pays for Domicilary Hospitalisation Expenses?

   1.  a) Videsh Yatra Mitra Policy

   2.  b) Bhavisya Arogya Policy

   3.  c) Janata Personal Accident Policy

   4.  d) Jana Arogya Bima Policy

Que. 2 : Q2) Which of the costs are payable under Mediclaim policy ?

   1.  a) Spectacles

   2.  b) Lenses

   3.  c) Hearing aids

   4.  d) Artificial limbs

Que. 3 : Q3) Rajesh has taken out an individual health insurance policy with a sum insured of Rs.1,00,000. Rajesh also has health cover of Rs.1,00,000 from another Insurer. Rajesh falls sick and incurs 1 lakh as hospital expenses. He can

   1.  a) Claim Rs 1 lakh each from both Insurance companies

   2.  b) Claim of only Rs 1 lakh will be entertained by both insurance companies together as Health Insurance Contracts are contracts of Indemnity

   3.  c) Claim of only Rs 1 lakh will be entertained by both insurance companies together as Health Insurance Contracts are not contracts of Indemnity

   4.  d) Claim Rs 1 lakh from each insurer and deposit the additional one lakh with Insurer itself

Que. 4 : Q4) Which of the following is True about Health Insurance?

   1.  a) Premium decreases as Age Increases.

   2.  b) Premium remains constant as the age increases

   3.  c) Premium may increase or decrease as age increases.

   4.  d) Premium increases as age increases.

Que. 5 : Q5) Which of the following reinsurance product is a variant of white labelling in the context of rural insurance?

   1.  a) Only social reinsurance

   2.  b) Only employers stop loss

   3.  c) Both Social reinsurance and employers stop loss

   4.  d) Neither social reinsurance nor employers stop loss