Q1.Which of the following statement is correct with respect to TPAs?
   a) A TPA can tie up with only one life insurance company for rendering its services, whereas a life insurance company can tie with multiple TPA's for availing their services
   b) A life insurance company can tie up with only one TPA for availing its services, whereas a TPA can tie with multiple life insurance companies for rendering its services
  c) A TPA can tie-up with multiple life insurance companies for rendering its services and a life insurance company can tie with multiple TPA's for availing their services
   d) All the above are false
Q2.___ is a person or a firm or a company or someone by whom any tax or any other sum of money is payable under the Income Tax Act.
   a) Assessee
   b) Income Tax Officer
   c) Insurance agent
   d) None of these
Q 3. The person to whom the promise is made is called ___.
   a) Promisor
   b) Promisee
Q4.Under which section, a person born outside India on or after, 26th January 1950 shall be a citizen of India by descent if his father is a citizen of India by birth?
   a) Section 2
   b) Section 3
   c) Section 4
   d) Section 5
Q5.Which of the following is not correct about Provisions of Section 39?
  a) Addition, change, or cancellation of nomination shall be acknowledged by the insurer
   b) Assignment shall automatically cancel a nomination
  c) Nomination cannot be an endorsement
  d) Nomination does not apply to Section 6 of the MWP Act
Q (6): 

According to Section 40A, any default in complying with this provision shall be punishable with a fine which may extend upto ____.

   a) Rs. 200
   b) Rs. 300
   c) Rs. 400
   d) Rs. 500
Q7.To qualify for a life insurance license, the minimum hours of training required for an insurance agent is __.
   a) 25 hours
   b) 50 hours
   c) 75 hours
   d) 60 hours
Q8.Which of the following terms is dissimilar to the other four in the context of insurable interest in life insurance?
  a) Employer has an insurable interest in the life of Employee
  b) Employee has an insurable interest in the life of Employer
  c) Creditor has an insurable interest in the life if Debtor
  d) Debtor has an insurable interest in the life of the creditor
Q9.As per the provisions of the Copa which of the following is true with respect to the establishment of consumer disputes redressal agencies?
   a) The Act provides for the establishment of consumer disputes redressal agencies at three levels: City level, state level, national level
   b) The Act provides for the establishment of consumer disputes redressal agencies at three levels: Panchayat level, district level, state level
   c) The Act provides for the establishment of consumer disputes redressal agencies at three levels: district level, state level, national level
  d) The Act provides for the establishment of consumer disputes redressal agencies at three levels: state level, national level, international level
Q10.Which of the below is not an indirect tax?
   a) Excise duty
   b) Service Tax
   c) Value added tax
   d) Corporate tax

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