Q1.Which of the below statement is correct with respect to the fee for the issue of duplicate licenses by IRDA to life insurance agents?
a) Fee should not exceed Rs. fifty for the issue of a duplicate license
b) Fee should not exceed Rs. one hundred for the issue of a duplicate license
c) Fee should not exceed Rs. two hundred fifty for the issue of a duplicate license
d) Fee should not exceed Rs. five hundred for the issue of a duplicate license
Q2.The conditions for an individual to be classified as a citizen of India are given under ___ of the Constitution of India.
 a) Article 3
 b) Article 5
 c) Article 7
 d) Article 9
Q3.Under the District Forum, the value of services and compensation claimed should not exceed __.
 a) Rs.20 lakhs
 b) Rs.25 lakhs
 c) Rs.30 lakhs
 d) Rs.35 lakhs
Q4.If an insurer may not allow the revival of a policy if the policy has remained in lapsed condition for more than ____.
 a) 2 years
 b) 3 years
 c) 4 years
 d) 5 years
Q5.As per the principle of insurable interest, an individual cannot buy a life insurance policy on the life of which of the below?
 a) Parents
 b) Spouse
 c) Children
 d) Own life
Q6.The Central Public Information Officers(CPIO) is duty-bound to dispense of the application so made as expeditiously as possible, but in any case within_____ of the receipt of the application.
 a) 15 days
 b) 30 days
 c) 45 days
 d) 75 days
Q7.A __ is the voluntary relinquishing of a known right.
 a) Estoppel
 b) Waiver
 c) HLV
 d) None of these
Q8.Any insurance business in the UK can be carried out only with the authorization of the Secretary of State. Say whether True or False.
 a) True
 b) False
Q9.Service tax was introduced for the 1st time in which year?
 a) 1994
 b) 1995
 c) 1996
 d) 1997
Q10.From the below options which one is most appropriate on who can be the beneficiary of a policy effected under the M.W.P. Act?
 a) Wife and adopted children
 b) Wife and son/s
 c) Wife and children
 d) Wife and daughter/s

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