Q 1.If An Individual Suffers From Acute Bronchitis Which Resolves With Treatment What Insurance Terms Will Generally Offered To Him
 He Will Be Declined Insurance Cover
He Will Is Accepted As High Risk And Will Be Charged Higher Than Std Rates
He Will Is Accepted As Std Rates
He Will Is Accepted On The Basis Of Certain Exclusions.
Q2.For insurance underwriting what can be the general risk associated with individuals in Merchant Navy?
 Climatic hazards.
 Drug and alcohol abuse during shore leave.
 Political instability.
 Both (a)&(b)
 both (b)&(c)
Q3.For Life Insurance underwriting which rates would be granted to flight and cabin crew who travel in a licensed airline?
 Sub-standard rates.
 Standard rates.
High-risk rates.
 High sub-standard rates.
 Constant rates.
Q4.Which of the following nutrients are needed for the production of the red blood cells?
 Vitamin B12
 Folic acid.
 All the above.
 Only (a) & (c)
Q5.Name a network of spinal and cranial nerves that links the body to the brain and spinal cord?
 Central nervous system.
 Peripheral nervous system.
 Autonomic nervous system.
 Somatic nervous system.
 None of the above.
Q6.Which Of The Following Is Not A Part Of The Urinary System
 both b & d
Q7.Which Is Smaller In Size Than The Other Blood Cells.
 Red Blood Cells
 White Blood Cells
 Both c & d
Q8.Insulin is a natural hormone secreted by which organ in the human body?
Q9.Name the process in which an insurance company sends a reinsurance case proposal to multiple insurers with a motive to captivate the most competitive offer?
 Reinsurance discounting.
 Treaty shopping.
 Facultative shopping.
 Treaty discounting.
 Prudent shopping.
Q10.In a HUF, what the female members are known as?

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