Q1.Which of the following states the purpose of the financial underwriting in life insurance?
Ensure that the insured beneficiaries are put in good financial condition after the occurrence of the event insured.
Maximize moral risk as an insurance policy in itself increases the chance of the insured event happening.
 Encourage the early surrender of the policy so that premium collected can be retained with the company as a profit.
Ensure that the insured or their beneficiaries are not put in a better financial position by the occurrence of the insured event.
 All the above statements.
Q2.If an individual is a Pilot by profession, which of the following risks is associated with him for the insurance cover?
 Increasing extra risk.
 Constant extra risk.
 Deceasing extra risk.
 Changeable extra risk.
 None of the above.
Q3.Majority Of Red Cells Are Smaller Than Normal
Q4.In the natural gas and oil industry, which is the most hazardous job category in mortality terms?
 Medical services.
 Technical engineer.
 Offshore maintenance technicians.
Q 5. The risk appetite which is different among the insurance companies is defined by- (i) Underwriters. (ii) Actuaries. (iii) Senior management.
 Only (i)&(ii)
 Only (ii)&(iii)
 Only (ii)
 Only (i)
 Only (i)&(iii)
Q6._is a condition characterized by recurring seizures in an individual.
 Multiple sclerosis.
 Spinal disease.
Q7.Who employed the Numerical rating method for making the decision to accept or decline the risk?
 Insurance company.
Q8.__ is a cancer of white blood cells.
Q9.Choose a type of kidney disease in which a part of the kidneys that help filter waste and fluids from the blood is damaged?
 Urinary tract infection.
 Kidney stones.
 Chronic kidney disease.
 Polycystic disease.
Q10.A cone-shaped passageway leading from the oral and nasal cavities in the head to the esophagus and larynx is__.

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