Q1.As per Life Insurance company who among the following can be considered as high-risk profile persons?
 High net worth individual.
 Politically exposed persons.
 Only (a) & (b)
 All (a),(b)&(c)
Q2.Which of the following test is not commonly used for diagnosing diabetes in the insurance setting?
 Oral glucose tolerance test.
 Fasting blood sugar test.
 Hemoglobin A1c test.
 Random plasma glucose test.
 None of the above.
Q3.Underwriting needs to consider several factors for assessing the risks associated with pilots, which of the following is not one of them?
 No. of hours of training.
 Routes of flying.
 Type of aircraft flown by the pilot.
 No. of dependents.
 Employer identification.
Q4.What are the insurance underwriting implications about renal cell carcinoma, a cancer of the kidney?
 The survival rate is higher if the tumor is in the early stage and has not spread outside the kidney.
 The mortality risk is higher even if the tumor has not spread inner side of the kidney.
The mortality risk is higher if the tumor has spread inside both kidneys.
 The survival rate is higher if the tumor at any stage is under accurate treatment.
 All the above statements about renal cell carcinoma are not true.
Q5.Which of the following is not a major function of the cerebellum, part of the brain?
 Posture and balance of the limbs.
 Eye movement.
 Balance of the trunk.
 None of the above.
Q6.Which is a severe condition caused by the lack of insulin that mainly affects people with Type 1 diabetes?
 Gestational diabetes.
 Fungal infections.
Q7.Which of the given example is so important to be considered about proteinuria for a healthy kidney?
 When it occurs only during a urine infection.
 When it only occurs following strenuous exercise.
When it is present at a high level.
 When it is absent in the morning but occurs later in the day.
When it occurs with a fever.
Q8.Why judgment method of underwriting is rarely used in present times?
 As the decision to accept the risk is based on the personal experience of the underwriter.
 As under this method underwriter may misuse his rights of accepting the risk.
This method is not highly effective as underwriting guidelines are not strictly followed.
 The insurance guidelines are very strict due to which maximum risks are either declined or postponed by the underwriters.
 Both (a) & (b)
Q9.A case of an obese person who is not suffering from any disease at the time of underwriting but can get in the near future with an increase in age. It can be an example of which of the following type of sub-standard risk?
 Decreasing extra risk.
 Attracting extra risk.
Alerting for the extra risk.
 Increasing extra risk.
 Constant extra risk.
Q10.Which of the following is not a risk factor associated with the avocation that can give rise to increased risk of morbidity and mortality?
 Severe climatic risk.
 Age and health of the individual.
 Training and level of expertise.
 Frequent participation.

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