Que. 1 : Q1) An express declaration has to be made by the claimant to GRA that no similar claim has been made before any other________________.
1. a) Insurance Ombudsman
2. b) Forum or Tribunal
3. c) Consumer authority
4. d) Consumer council
Que. 2 : Q2) Regulations for micro insurance provide for a fie-up between and .
1. a) Insurer and Agents
2. b) Agents and Insured
3. c) Low income people and Insurers
4. d) Life insurer and Non life insurer
Que. 3 : Q3) SHG (Self Help Groups) is related to which of the following?
1. a) Life Insurance
2. b) General Insurance
3. c) Reinsurance
4. d) Micro Insurance
Que. 4 : Q4) Which of the following Assignment is NOT VALID?
1. a) Assignment with out Notification
2. b) Assignment with out Stamp
3. c) Assignment with out Sign
4. d) Both B and C
Que. 5 : Q5) Remittance of funds by any mode for value of Rs. ___________and above is effected by debit to the customers account or against cheques and not against cash payment.
1. a) Rs 1 Lakh
2. b) Rs 2 Lakhs
3. c) Rs 50,000
4. d) Rs 5000 per month