
Que. 1 : Q1) According to IRDA rules_________________.

   1.  a) a TPA can work for only one insurer

   2.  b) a Insurer can appoint only one TPA

   3.  c) TPA can work for more than one insurer and an insurer can appoint more than one TPA

   4.  d) Both 1 and 2

Que. 2 : Q2) The duration of the executive committee of the General Insurance Council is _______ years from the date of its first meeting

   1.  a) 1 year

   2.  b) 3 years

   3.  c) 5 years

   4.  d) 7 years

Que. 3 : Q3) Appeal against the order of National Commission can be made with Supreme Court within a Period of _______ days

   1.  a) 10

   2.  b) 15

   3.  c) 30

   4.  d) 45

Que. 4 : Q4) The minimum policy term in a life insurance contract is____________years.

   1.  a) 1

   2.  b) 2

   3.  c) 3

   4.  d) 5

Que. 5 : Q5) Who should a Policy Holder approach First in case of a complaint?

   1.  a) Grievance Redressal Cell of IRDA

   2.  b) Insurance Ombudsman

   3.  c) District / Civil Court

   4.  d) Consumer Complaints cell of the Insurer