Q 1. The function of the Executive Committee of the Life Insurance Council is to intimate the IRDAI if any insurer shows prejudice to a ___. |
Intermediary |
An employee of the insurance company |
Nominee |
Policyholder |
None of above |
Q2.Under section __ of the Insurance Act, life insurance policies are repudiated. |
Section 44 |
Section 45 |
Section 46 |
Section 47 |
Section 48 |
Q3.What is the minimum term of cover in health insurance? |
1 year |
2 years |
3 years |
5 years |
7.5 years |
Q4.When a nomination is made specifically under Sec 39 of the Insurance Act, the Provision of Section 6 of M W P Act 1874 is not applicable to nomination in favor of __. |
Spouse |
Grandparents |
Wife and/or children |
Children |
Wife |
Q5.Which of these products is not viable as a stand-alone insurance product. |
Microinsurance |
Endowment |
Money back policy |
Group insurance |
Pension and Group schemes |
Q6.If death happens during the contestable period, any claim based on the policy can be challenged on the grounds of __. |
Legal statement |
Mis-statement |
Fraudulent statement |
Incorrect statement |
False statement |
Q 7. The minimum amount of cover in a Term Insurance is ___. |
Rs. 3500 |
Rs. 5000 |
Rs. 6200 |
Rs. 7500 |
Rs. 10000 |
Q 8. What is the lock-in period for ULIPs during which period no partial withdrawals or surrenders are allowed ? |
2 years |
5 years |
7 years |
10 years |
11 years |
Q9.What is the minimum fine in case of a complaint filed against a person accused of deficiency of service by Consumer forums and not following their order? |
Rs 2000 |
Rs 3000 |
Rs 5000 |
Rs 7500 |
Rs 10000 |
Q10.No relaxation in premium issues is allowed for |
Aircraft hulls and other aviation risks |
National agriculture insurance scheme |
Issued to students availing Govt. scholarship |
Govt. and Semi Govt. bodies |
Issued to personnel of armed forces |