
Que. 1 : Q1) Which among the following is a Definition of Moral Hazard?

   1.  a) Individual Moral Weakness

   2.  b) The risk arising due to natural calamities

   3.  c) The risk arising due to the age of the policy holder

   4.  d) The risk arising due to the age of the vehicle

Que. 2 : Q2) Under which of the following circumstances market value only is payable under fire reinstatement value policy

   1.  a) Insured is unwilling to reinstate

   2.  b) Heavy under insurance

   3.  c) Breach of warranty

   4.  d) Breach of utmost good faith

Que. 3 : Q3) ________ hazard is not one of the prime hazards an underwriter looks at.

   1.  a) Physical

   2.  b) Moral

   3.  c) Risk

   4.  d) Financial

Que. 4 : Q4) Which of the following is not paid upto the full limit of cover under the overseas medical policy?

   1.  a) Physical

   2.  b) Moral

   3.  c) Risk

   4.  d) Financial

Que. 5 : Q5) An Excess is another word for

   1.  a) Franchise

   2.  b) Warranty

   3.  c) Deductible

   4.  d) Exclusion