
Que. 1 : Q1) Moral hazard means:

   1.  a) Dishonesty or character defects in an individual

   2.  b) Honesty and values in an individual

   3.  c) Risk of religious beliefs

   4.  d) Hazard of the property to be insured

Que. 2 : Q2) Which of the following statements is True (1) terrorism is exclusion under the standard fire and special perils policy only. (2) Terrorism can be covered at extra premium along with riot, strike and malicious damage.

   1.  a) Statement 1 is True

   2.  b) Statement 2 is True

   3.  c) Both are true

   4.  d) Both are false

Que. 3 : Q3) Which of the following covers in Shopkeepers Package insurance is not included in Householders Package insurance

   1.  a) Pedal cycles

   2.  b) Neon sign

   3.  c) Legal liability to employees

   4.  d) Fixed Plate glass

Que. 4 : Q4) Consent of insurers is not required for the assignment of

   1.  a) Marine hull policies

   2.  b) Marine cargo policies

   3.  c) Fire policies

   4.  d) Burglary policies

Que. 5 : Q5) All insurers in India will have to inform _________ every year while devising their re-insurance programme.

   1.  a) IRDAI

   2.  b) RBI

   3.  c) LIC

   4.  d) Finance Ministry