Q1.What are the services given by a TPA under an agreement with an insurance company called?
 Insurance Services
 Financial services
 Banking services
 Agency services
 Health services
Q2.Under what are dumpers and tippers insured?
 Heavy Vehicle
 Marine cargo
 Marine hull
 Fire insurance
Q3.__ is the last step in Risk Management which is to monitor the results produced by implementing the various techniques selected.
 Risk analysis
 Risk review
 Risk management
 Risk evaluation
 Risk identification
Q4.For whom is the Janta Personal Accident (JPA) policy is specially designed?
 Rich sections of the society
 Weaker sections of the society
 All sections of the society
 For people living in villages
 For people living in cities
Q5.A physical hazard is assessed on the basis of __.
 nature of product
information is given in the form
 damages caused
Q6.Under which act have the insurance agents to be licensed?
 RBI Act
 Insurance Act
 GIC Act
 LIC Act
Q7.A ___ is issued by the insurer one month in advance before the date of expiry.
 Cover Notes
 Policy Expiry letters
 Warning notice
 Renewal notice
Q8 .Janta Personal Accident (JPA) policy contracts are for ____.
The very short term basis
 Annual basis
 Long term basis
 Annual or Long term basis
 Schedule basis
Q 9. The full form of IRDP is Integrated Rural Development Practice State True or False?
 (a) True
 (b) False
Q10.The most common method of fixing premium rates is by classification of ___.

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