
Que. 1 : Q1) Which of the following statements is True in the relation to Flight Coupons on declaration basis? (1) Flight insurances coupons are issued to individuals. (2) Flight insurance coupons are issued to companies in respect of their employees who travel by air frequently

   1.  a) Statement 1 is True

   2.  b) Statement 2 is True

   3.  c) Both are true

   4.  d) Both are false

Que. 2 : Q2) In private motor insurance, separate rates apply for vehicles below and above__________________.

   1.  a) 800 cc

   2.  b) 1000 cc

   3.  c) 1500 cc

   4.  d) 1800 cc

Que. 3 : Q3) The principle of subrogation does not apply to _______________ policies.

   1.  a) Life insurance

   2.  b) Fire insurance

   3.  c) Marine insurance

   4.  d) Property insurance

Que. 4 : Q4) Delay under ALOP is defined as

   1.  a) The period of time between the scheduled commencement date and completion date of the project

   2.  b) The period of time between commencement of business and occurrence of peril

   3.  c) The period of time between the scheduled completion date and the actual date on which the Business was commencemend

   4.  d) The period of time between the scheduled completion date and the date of occurance of peril

Que. 5 : Q5) Which is one main important provision of insurance Act ?

   1.  a) Claiming

   2.  b) Application

   3.  c) Filing

   4.  d) Registration