Q 1.A company insures its factory building for Rs 12 crore and the machinery for Rs 3 crore. The actual value for these was Rs 18 crore and Rs 4 crore respectively. In a fire, the building suffers damage to the tune of Rs 10 crore and machinery Rs 3.6 crore. What is the claim amount payable?
 Rs. 6.85 crore
 Rs. 7.83 crore
 Rs. 9.37 crore
 Rs. 10.5 crore
 Rs. 13.6 crore
Q2.Which insurance is considered for the Indian Ports (Major Ports) Act?
 Public liability insurance
 Hull insurance
 Workmen’s compensation insurance
 Cargo insurance
 Personal accident insurance
Q3.Employee State Insurance policy is applicable in the areas notified by the Government. The scheme is applicable to ___.
 All Employees
 Industrial Employees
 Government Employees
 None of the above
Q4.Which policy covers Self Ignition damage?
 Explosion policy
 Loss of profit
 Personal accident
 Motor Insurance
Q5.____ allows Life insurance companies and General insurance companies to have a tie up to sell each other products.
 Rural Insurance
 Micro Insurance
 Motor Insurance
 Liability Insurance
 Baggage Insurance
Q6.Analysis and Pricing of an insurance product is the job of ____.
 Risk Engineer
Q7.All insurers in India will have to inform ___ every year while devising their reinsurance program.
 Finance Ministry
 Planning Commission
Q8.Third-Party Administrators (TPA) are separate organizations either owned by ___.
 Pharmaceutical Firms
 Insurance Brokers
Q9.Fitness and Permit certificate is required for claims processing in case of __.
Private Yacht
 Two Wheelers
 Private car policies
 Goods carrying vehicles
 Commercial vehicles
Q10.A furniture shop also has basement storage. Can the underwriters accept the risk? If yes, how?
No, furniture is supposed to be high risk
No, as a shop with basement storage cannot be insured
 Yes, as per rules it can be insured and no inspection is required
 Yes, but with proper inspection
 Yes, as it will bring more business

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