IC02 (LICENTIATE) Practice of Life Insurance - 05

Q1.What should be the age group of the employees for availing group insurance term plan?
 18 to 50 years
 18 to 55 years
 18 to 60 years
 20 to 50 years
 20 to 60 years
Q2.The loan amount granted against a life insurance policy is generally _ of its surrender value
Q3.____ details the mutual obligations of the insurance company and the insured.
 Operative Clause
 Proviso Preamble
Q4.Assignment of policy is not applicable for ___.
 Endowment Policies
 Pension Plans
Plans under the Married Women's Property Act
 Both 2 and 3
 All of the above
Q5.Mr. Ayush was born on 1st Feb 1980. On 16 May 2000, he is 20 years 3 months, and 16 days old. What is his age nearer to his birthday?
 20 years
 21 years
 20 years 3 months
 21 years 3 months
 20 years 6 months
Q6.Which of the following is/are types of Policy Revival Scheme?
 Ordinary Revival Scheme
 Special Revival Scheme
 Installment Revival scheme
 Loan-Cum-Revival Scheme
 All of the above
Q7.The days of grace clause is not enforced in ___.
 Salary Saving Scheme
 Postal Life insurance
 Mediclaim policies
 Place of payment of premium
 All of the above
Q8.What is the maximum permissible age of an employee for availing of Group Insurance?
 50 years
 55 years
 60 years
 61 years
 65 years
Q9.The market value of the securities held by an Equity Fund is Rs 50,000,00. The number of units is 25000. What is the NAV of this fund? ( Assume 100% investment in equities )
 Rs 25
 Rs 100
 Rs 150
 Rs 200
 Rs 350
Q10.If under a policy at least five full years premium is paid and if the subsequent premium remains unpaid and the death claim arises within twelve months of the first unpaid premium, the claim is settled in full. This is as per ____ of LIC.
Non-Early Death claim policy
 Claims Concession
 Extended claims concession
 Assistance due to death concession
None of the above

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