IC01 (LICENTIATE) Principles of Insurance - DEMO

Q1.Which word is dissimilar to the other four options?
 Loss Ratio
 Expense Ratio
 Solatium Fund
 Gross Direct
Q2.The minimum subscribed capital to become a re-insurance or composite broker is __.
 Rs. 100 lakhs
 Rs. 150 lakhs
 Rs. 200 lakhs
 Rs. 250 lakhs
 Rs. 300 lakhs
Q3.An insurance surveyor license is valid for ___.
 three years
 five years
 seven years
 ten years
 for lifetime
Q4.The Government of India promotes Life and General Insurance. Which of the below statement is incorrect in this regard?
 The insurance funds are channeled into investments for economic growth
Insurance helps industry and trade for managing the risks in the manufacture and in commerce
Insurance is a major instrument for the mobilization of savings of people particularly from the middle and lower-income group
 The cost to help destitute families are considerably reduced if insurance arrangements are in place
 A lot of idle and unaccounted money of public are available to the Govt and this is deployed in insurance
Q5.____ are the likely consequential losses or damages.
Q6.Which of these is NOT a valid contract?
Mr. P, aged 21 insures his second-hand car
Mr. Q, aged 50 insures his house furniture and gold
Mr. R, aged 45 takes a bank loan to renovate his house
Mr. S, aged 40 years gives on rent his house to a 19-year-old science student
Mr. T, aged 30 takes insurance on his friends' house
Q7.With reference to Loss Ratios, which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
 If the loss ratio is 100% or less, there is cause for concern
Loss ratios help insurers make decisions on the future growth of the business
 Loss ratios are calculated for each class of business separately
 Loss ratios are calculated for each class of policyholders
Loss ratios are an indication of the viability of the business
Q 8. What are Mortality Rates?
 Payments which are to be made to the insurer under the policy
 Tables showing expectations of death
 Tables showing expectations of illness
 Certainty of sickness in a particular age group
 None of the above
Q9.Which one of the below options is INCORRECT?
 The insurance broker lists down the features and benefits which will benefit the customer while suggesting a plan
 On questioning the broker has to reveal the commissions to the customer which he receives from insurers
 While settling a claim, the agent can ask for a percentage of the claim amount
 While assessing a loss the insurance surveyor ensures that the loss is assessed correctly
Before explaining a plan, the agent does a need analysis of the customer
Q10.How do insurance arrangements increase the capacity of those affected by adverse situations?
 It helps to get some steadiness and stability
 It helps overcome fears of instability
It helps businesses in managing receivables and transferring bad debts
 It helps to cope with the losses and incidental problems
It helps to gain a better financial position than before

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