Promotion exams for GIPSA officers


Promotion exams for GIPSA officers

There are four public-sector insurers in India: New India Assurance Co. Ltd., Oriental Insurance, United India Insurance, and National Insurance, as well as the national reinsurers General Insurance Corporation of India and Agriculture Insurance Corporation, are some of the companies that write insurance in India. GIPSA is called the General insurance public sector association. Competitive entrance tests are usually held by these public sector insurance and reinsurance companies. People who want to be assistant managers usually have to take an online multiple-choice test (Prelims and Mains), have a group discussion, and meet with a person in person. In our country, many people want to work for the government, and every year, many people try to get into the public sector financial sector by taking these exams. GIPSA is the group that helps the member companies work together and decide what is best for them. This includes things like human resources. In February 1990, the promotion policy for officers was first put in place. In 2006, it was changed again. All the way up to and including Scale VII, you can use this promotion policy (GM). Those who are promoted to scale VI and VII only have to be good at their jobs, while those who are promoted from scale I to V have to be good at their jobs and have a lot of experience. The Scale 1, 2, 3, and 4 officers who work for the association have to compete against each other in an all-India competition to move up to a higher job. There will be no written exam from the 2019–20 financial year onwards. Only the Fast Track promotion channel will have to deal with it, and no one else will have to deal with it. A list of jobs that are open for promotion comes out from GIPSA. For all promotions from scale 1 to 4, there is an online multiple-choice type test called the “trade test.” You take a trade test to see how well you know about insurance, law, and regulations as well as how well you can think on your own. In the trade test, there are seven different departments, and the candidate has to pick four of them based on what he knows and what he likes.

Structure of an exam

Out of the Seven (07) Sections, the candidate has to answer any Four (04) Sections that he or she wants to answer. Each Section has 30 Multiple Choice Objective Type Questions, each with four possible answers. . The candidate will be able to read the questions and the other answers in English or Hindi, if they want to. . It's up to the candidate to choose the best answer to a question. . In each Section, a Candidate must choose 25 of the 30 questions in that Section to answer. The Candidate must choose 100 questions from the four Sections to answer. The candidate will not be able to answer more than 25 questions in a section. If he or she tries to answer the 26th question, the system will show an error message and the candidate will have to choose one of the 25 questions he or she already answered. . Total Duration: 120 Min . Each question is worth one point. Each correct answer will earn you one point. This isn't all that will happen. One point will be taken off for every wrong answer. . In the event that a candidate tries more than four sections, the four best-scored sections will be taken into account when he or she gets their final score. The candidate can answer up to 25 questions in each section of the test. . Candidates with the following disabilities will be given extra time: 40 minutes. a) Blindness (VI), b) locomotor disability – both arms affected (OC – BA), c) cerebral palsy (CP), and d) physical limitation to write (LW), as confirmed by the Chief Medical Officer / Civil Surgeon / Medical Superintendent of a Government health care institution. To get ready for the trade test, there are many mock tests and question banks on the internet. It's important to mark correct answers and finish the test on time. To get a good balance, you need to practice a lot! Insurance Institute of India's textbooks for its Licentiate, Associate, and Fellowship exams are good enough for the theory part. For practice, a question bank-style book can be used, which can be bought online.

START Mock Test for GIPSA Officer Scale 1 to 5
