Equity Derivatives – Meaning, Benefits, and Types


Equity Derivatives Equity Derivatives – Meaning, Benefits, and Types

An equity derivative is a type of financial instrument that changes in value based on changes in the value of the asset it is linked to. When a stock option is traded, it is an equity derivative because its value is based on how the price of the stock it's traded with changes. In the stock market, equity derivatives can be used to protect against the risk of taking long or short positions in stocks, or they can also be used to make money by betting on how the price of the underlying asset will change. Understanding Equity Derivatives

Equity derivatives can be like an insurance policy for your money. The investor gets a chance to make money by paying the cost of the derivative contract, which is called a premium in the options market. An investor who buys a stock can buy a put option to protect against a drop in the value of the stock. When an investor who has shorted shares wants to protect against an increase in the share price, they can buy a call option to do this. Equity derivatives can also be used to make money by betting. For example, a trader can buy equity options instead of stock in order to make money when the price of the underlying asset rises or falls. There are two advantages to this kind of plan. To start with, traders can save money by buying options instead of the stock itself. Options are cheaper than the stock. Instead of taking a chance on the stock's price going up or down, traders can hedge their bets by placing put and call options on it. Other equity derivatives, like stock index futures, equity index swaps, and convertible bonds, are also used to make money.

How They are Traded – Explain The diagram below shows how equity derivatives are traded in both the primary and secondary markets, and how they work.

Why Should You Invest in Equity Derivatives?

One of the risks of making an investment is that you might not be able to keep your money. In inequity derivatives, the investor can only buy into how well the underlying investment does without owning the company that owns the investment. Thus, the risk of losing money is less than if you own the product. There are long-term benefits to investing in things like stocks. However, if an investor wants to make more money in the short term, equity derivatives are the best choice. Long-term investments can be added to an investor's stock portfolio to get a well-built portfolio that pays short-term and long-term gains. People who want to invest in equity derivatives need to know as much as they can about the business. It means that the person who wants to learn how to trade derivatives will need to go to school. To work better with a financial advisor, the investor should be aware of how their money is being handled and where it is being put.

Advantages Of Equity Derivatives * Investment in Equity Derivatives is linked to how well the underlying asset does, not how much you own it. Equity Derivatives, on the other hand, have less risk of financial loss. * For short-term gains, Equity Derivatives are a better bet than stock. They can make money off of shares that aren't being used. * Investment in Equity Derivatives helps to reduce the risk of price changes in the underlying assets.

Kind of Equity Derivatives Options If you have an option, you can buy or sell a stock at a certain price. You don't have to, but you have the right to. The contract tells you about the given price, which is called the strike price, the expiration date, and the terms and conditions of the deal that you made. An options contract is best for investors who want to protect or hedge against price changes in the future.


Warrants, like options, give the person who owns them the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying investment at some point in the future. The person who owns them doesn't have to do anything. The warrants are given to holders of the company's bonds or preferred stock as a way to get them to buy the new stock or bond.


On the secondary market, futures contracts can be bought and sold. There is a contract called a futures contract. In this contract, the buyer agrees to buy the asset at a certain price at a later date. Unlike options, in a futures contract, the buyer has to buy the thing that the contract is for. In simple terms, the buyer must buy the asset on the agreed-upon date and at the agreed-upon price.

Forwards A forward contract, like a futures contract, says when and how much the buyer should buy the underlying asset from the seller at that time. The only difference is that a forward contract is done in the private market and the terms are made to fit the needs of the people who sign it.

Convertible bonds

Convertible bonds give the person who owns them the chance to turn the bonds into shares in the company. As well as having a coupon and a maturity date, convertible bonds also have a conversion rate and price. Because these bonds can be changed into stocks, they pay less interest than normal bonds.


When two people trade the returns of two different stocks, they're called "swaps." The exchange can also be linked to floating and fixed interest rates, currencies from different countries, and so on.


Equity Derivatives are a new type of Derivatives trade that has more short-term benefits. India's Equity Derivatives trade has grown steadily over the last two decades, which shows that investors are becoming more interested in equity derivatives. In order to use equity derivatives, you need to know a lot about finance. That might scare some away. However, those who keep trying may learn more and become better and more responsible investors. Take Free Demo Now - https://www.iexamworld.com/category/nism-exam-series/