Delhi PSC Solved Exam Paper

Delhi PSC Solved Exam Paper 1. The old name of Allahabad was Ans: Prayag 2. Waterloo, famous for the battle of waterloo (1815) lies in Ans: Belgium 3. The largest producer of milk in the world is Ans: India. 4. Al-Queda is a terrorist organization led by Ans: Osama Bin Laden. 5. The first Indian to give a speech in Hindi at the UN general Assembly Ans: A.B.Bajpayee. 6. The only congress session presided over by Mahatma Gandhi Ans: Belgaum. 7. The world?s highest observatory has been commissioned at Ans: Haule.(Ladakh) 8. The first democratic country in the world to legalise mercy killing(euthanasia) Ans: Netherlands. 9. What is the Soudi Arabian currency called Ans: Riyal. 10.Where is India?s silicon valley situated? Ans: Banglore. 11.The world?s biggest aid donor country is Ans: Japan. 12.The first Muslim President of Indian National Congress was Ans: Badruddin Tyabji. 13.Sri Perumbudur is famous as the birth place of Ans: Ramanujan. 14.My Music, My Life is the autobiography of Ans: Pandit Ravi Shankar 15.What is the color of the Dharma Chakra in the middle of our National Flag Ans: Navy Blue. 16.Lok Sabha seats have been frozen till Ans: AD 2026. 17.The year in which Delhi replaced Calcutta as the capital of India Ans: 1911. 18.The first Jain Tirthankara was Ans: Rishabha. 19.Savanna grass lands are found in Ans: Africa. 20.The river associated with the annual pilgrimage to Sabharimala Ans: Pampa. 21.The highest gravity dam of the world is the Ans: Bhakra dam. 22.Which Sikh guru was executed by Aurangzeb Ans: Guru Thegbahadur. 23.The slogan ?Inzuilab Zindabad ? was first raised Ans: Bhagat Singh. 24.Where is the tomb of Shahjahan situated. Ans: Taj Mahal 25.What is the normal blood sugar level of human being? Ans: 80-120 mg/dl. 26.Decimal coinage system was introduced in India in the year Ans: 1957. 27.Which is the ocean in which the current Kuroshio is circulating Ans: North Pacific Ocean. 28.Satyameva Jayate has been taken from Ans: Mundaka Upanishad. 29.India?s one billionth baby is named Ans: Aastha. 30.Name the plane in which Netaji Subash Chandra Bose was travelling when it crashed Ans: Sally Bomber. DSSSB Placement Paper Delhi Government Solved Exam Paper 1. Find out wrong number in each sequence? 582, 605,588,611, 634, 617, 600 (A)634 (B) 611 (C)605 (D) 600 Ans: A 2. A boy was asked to multiply a number by 25. He instead multiplied the number by 52 and got the answer 324 more than the correct answer. The number to be multiplied was? (A)12 (B) 15 (C)25 (D) 32 Ans: A 3. If 2 tables and 3 chairs cost Rs.3500 and 3 tables and 2 chairs cost Rs. 4000, then how much does a table cost? (A) As. 500 (B) As. 750 (C) As. 1000 (D) Rs. 1500 Ans: C 4. The sum of first five prime numbers is? (A) 11 (B)18 (C) 26 (D)28 Ans: D 5. Three numbers are in the ratio1 2 :3 and their H. C. F. is 12.The numbers are? (A)4,8,12 (B) 5, 10, 15 (C) 10, 20,30 (D) 12,24,36 Ans: D 6. Income of a company doubles after every one year. If the initial income was Rs. 4 lakhs, what would be the income after 5 years? (A) As. 1 24 crores (B) Rs. 1 28 crores (C) As. 252 crores (D) As. 256 crores Ans: B 7. Water boils at 212° F or 100°C and freeze at 32°F or 0°C. If the temperature of a particular day is 35°C, it is equivalent to? (A)85°F (B) 90°F (C)95°F (D) 99°F Ans: C 8. Insert the missing number? 16,33,65,131,261,??.. (A) 523 (B) 521 (C) 613 (D) 721 Ans: A 9. 3251 + 587+ 369? ? = 3007 (A) 1250 (B) 1300 (C) 1375 (D) 1200 Ans: D 10. A Bazar has an average of 510 people on Sundays and 240 on other days. The average number of people per day in a month of 30 days beginning with a Sunday is? (A) 250 (C) 280 (B)276 (D)285 Ans: D 11. Choose the correct preposition The river flows??.. the bridge. (A)below (B) under (C)into (D) to Ans: B 12. Find out the word correctly spelt? (A) Accesible (B) Accesibel (C) Accessible (D) Acessible Ans: C 13. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the Bold word to till in the blank People often prefer ambiguity to ??.. (A)clarity (B) perversity (C) rationality (D) certainty Ans: D 14. Pick out the correct synonym to the given word OBSCENE (A)Objectionable (B)Indecent (C) Displeasing (D)Condemnable Ans: B 15. Pick out the most appropriate word from the given alternatives to fill in the blank Since one cannot read every book, one should be content with making a ???selection (A)normal (B) standard (C)sample (D) judicious Ans: D 16. Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word TRANSPARENT (A)Coloured (B) Childlike (C)Opaque (D) Imminent Ans: C 17. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words "A workman who fits and repairs pipes" (A)Mechanic (B) Blacksmith (C)Plumber (D) Technocrat Ans: C 18. Pick out the most appropriate word from the given alternatives to fill in the blank In hot weather I like lying in the???.of a tree. (A)shadow (B)shelter (C)protection (D) shade Ans: D 19 Choose the alternative which expresses the best meaning of the given words To give up the ghost (A)To die (B)To make false appearance (C)To terrify others by acting in suspicious manner (D)To leave useless pursuits Ans: A Find Nearest Meaning 20. Addicted (A) wild (B)enhanced (C) sentenced (D) incline Ans: D 21. Bewilder (A)Cross (B) Seize (C)Puzzle (D) Annoy Ans: C 22. Destitute (A) Sick (B) Poor (C) thin (D) Angry Ans: B 23 Genteel (A)Clever (B) Polite (C)Hopeful (D) Lovable Ans: B 24. Camouflage (A) Deject (B) Disappear (C) Drown (D) Conceal Ans: B 25. A thing liable to be easily broken (A) Breakable (B) Ductile (C)Brittle (D) Delicate Ans: C 26. Animal living on land and in water (A) Ambiguous (B) Pacify (C) Amphibian (D) Ambivalend Ans: C 27. One who does not care for literature or and? (A) Barbarian (B) Philistine (C) Primitive (D) Literate Ans: B Find the Correct Spelling 28. (A) Comitment (B) Comittment (C) Committment (D) Commitment Ans: D 29 (A) Fulifil (B) Fulfil (C) Fulfill (D) FulIfill Ans: A 30. (A) Defendant (B) Defendent (C) Defandent (D) Defandant Ans: A 31. How many satellites Jupiter has 1. 47 2. 27 3. 13 4. 63 Answer: 4 32. Second layer of surface of earth from top is 1. Trosphere 2. Ionosphere 3. Stratosphere 4. Mesosphere Answer: 3 32. A new born baby has ___in number bones: 1. 206 2. 300 3. 186 4. 80 Answer: 2 33. Who developed first calculating machine which later gave foundation of modern computer technology? 1. Babbage Charles 2. Andrew Charles 3. Billgates 4. Arybhatta Answer: 1 34. Rovers Cup is associated with which game 1. Golf 2. Football 3. Billiards 4. Table tennis Answer: 2 35. A mother is 6 times as old as to her daughter, but 6 years ago she was 8 times old to her daughter. What is the present age of daughter? 1. 124 2. 126 3. 21 4. 26 Answers: 3 DSSSB Previous paper Delhi Postal Circle Exam Solved Paper Q1 Energy generated from tides is called a. Tidal energy b. wind energy c. thermal energy d. Natural energy Answer A Tidal energy Q2 Nuclear Power station is located in Tamilnadu at? a. Kalpakkam b. Narora c. Tarapur d. Kaiga Q 3 Nuclear Power station is located in Maharastra at a. Kalpakkam b. Narora c. Tarapur d. Kaiga Answer c Tarapur Q4 Sericulture means a. Growing fruits and vegetables b. rearing of silk and worms c. growing of wheat d. cultivation of grapes Answer b rearing of silk and worms Q5 Total no of post office in India are approximately a. 100555 b. 555000 c. 155015 d. 105505 Answer c 155015 Q6 Raja sabha council of states is chaired by a. The president of India b. Vice president of India c. prime Minister d Speaker Answer b Vice president of India Q7 The length of the river ganga is a. 2800 KM b. 2510 KM c. 3000 KM d. 3700 KM Q8 wildlife protection act was implemented in India in year a. 1972 b. 1957 c. 1975 d. 1963 Answer 1972 Q9 The most populous state of India as per the 2001 census data is a. Mahdyapradesh b. Utter prdesh c. Maharashtra d. Gujarat Answer b Utter prdesh Q10 The literacy rate in the country as per the Census of 2011 is a. 74.84 per cent b. 68.84 per cent c. 64.84 per cent d. 74.04 per cent Answer d 74.04 per cent Q11 The name of the Chief justice of India is a. Hon?ble Mr Justice Altamas kabir b. Hon?ble Justice Aflabalam c. Hon?ble Mukharjee d. Honb?ble Dr Justice B S Chauhan Answer A Hon?ble Mr Justice Altmas Kabir Q12 The vice president of India is a. Bhairon Sing Shekwat b. Sri Mohs Hamid Ansari c. Pranab Mukherjee d. Gulam Nabi Azad Answer b Sri Mohs Hamid Ansari Q13 The first vice president of India is a. Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan b. Dr Zakirhussain c. Dr Rajendra Prasad d. Varahagiri Venkatagiri Answer A Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Q14 India comprise of a. 26 states an 6 union territories b. 28 states an 7 union territories c. 27 states an 7 union territories d. 25 states an 7 union territories Answer 28 states and 7 union territories Q15 The highest civilian award of the country is a. Padma Vibhushan b. Param Vira Chakra c. Ashok Chakra d. Bharat Ratna Answer d Bharat Ratna Q16 No of different languages that have been recoganised by the constitution of India is a. 21 b. 23 c. 22 d. 25 Answer c 22 QNo 17 The present Governor of Reserve Bank of India is a. P Chidambaram b. E S Lakshmnarasimham c. D Subbarao d. Manmohan Singh Answer C D Subbarao Q18 Look at this series 53:53 , 40: 40 27:27 .... What number should come next a. 12 b. 14 c. 27 d. 53 Answer b 14 Q9 Cup is to coffee as bowl is to a. dish b. soup c. spoon d. food Answer Soup QNo 20 Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence 1. key 2. Door 3 lock 4 Room 5 Switch On a 5,1,2,4,3 b 4,2,1,5,3 c 1,3,2,4,5 d 1,2,3,5,4 Answer C Key Lock Door Room Switch on QNo 21 Choose the word which is different from the rest a. curd b. butter c. oil d. Cheese e. cream Answer Oil Q23 What is the name of India?s national aquatic animal a. River Dolphin b. Crocodile c. Katla Fish d. Green Fish Answer A River Dolphin Q24 Which state is known as India?s Spice Garden a. Kerala b. Karnataka c. Bihar d. Uttaranchal Answer A Kerala Q25 Name the largest fresh water lake in India a. Dal Lake b. powai lake c. Wular lake d. Chika Lake Answer C Wular Lake DSSSB Question-Paper Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) TGT & PGT Preliminary Examination 1. In English alphabet, which will be the eighth letter from the left of the fourth vowel ? (A)H (B)I (C)G (D)M Ans: A 2. Find out the missing one U, 0, I, ? (A)E (B)C (C)S (D)G Ans: B 3. Which will be the next in following series? AZY, BYX, CXW, DWV (A)EUT (B) FUT (C)EVU (D) GHS Ans: C 4. Find out the next one in following series: BDF, CFI, DHL, EJO (A)EIN (B) JEN (C)CFI (D) FLR Ans: D 5. If in a certain code BQMBAY is written as MY MY MY, then how would TAMIL NADU be written? (A) TIATIATIA (B) ALDALDALD (C) MNUMNUMNU (D) None of these Ans: C 6. If in a certain symbolic language DOG is written as GOD and FOG is written as GOF, then how would MOB be written? (A)NOB (B) OBM (C)BOM (D) DOM Ans: C 7. If in a certain code UMBRELLA is written as 12345678, then how would BEAR be written? (A)3684 (B) 3594 (C)3584 (D) 3585 Ans: C Directions? (Q.8-12) In each question, four words are given. Out of these four words, three are related in some way and one is different. Find the different word. 8. (A) Girl (B) Boy (C) Woman (D) Teacher Ans: D 9 (A) China (B) Nepal (C)Bhutan (D) Kolkata Ans:D 10. (A) January?June (B) March?September (C) June?November (D) April-September Ans: B 11. (A) Sitar?Pt. Ravishankar (B) Tabla?Allahrakha (C)Bansuri?Hari Prasad Chaurasia (D) Kathakali?Mrinalini Ans: D 12. (A) Prison (C) Hand-cuffs (B) Court (D) Uniform Ans: D 13. In which city there is no Metro Rail route? (A)Hyderabad (B) Ahmedabad (C)Kolkata (D) Mumbai Ans: B 14. Main occupation of primitive man was? (A) Hunting (B) Cattle-rearing (C) Food-gathering (D) Fishing Ans: A 15. In India the land irrigated by canals is (A)10% (B) 15% (C)20% (D) 31.6% Ans: D 16.The reason of winter rain in North India is? (A) Monsoon (B) Storms (C) Cyclone (D) All Ans: C 17. Air pressure is shown? (A) By isobars (B) By isotherms (C) By isosalines (D) By none of these Ans: A 18. Who is the first Woman President of India ? (A) Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil (B) Srnt. Sonia Gandhi (C) Smt. Meira Kumar (D) Late (Smt.) Indira Gandhi Ans: A 19. Who gave the slogan of ?Quit India?? (A) Mahatma Gandhi (B) J. L. Nehru (C) Md. Ali Jinnah (D) Subhas Chandra Bose Ans: A 20.The Directive Principles of State Policy? of Indian Constitution are related to? (A)Part-III (B) Part-IV (C)Part-V (D) Part-II Ans: B 21. In any parallelogram ABCD, AC= BD. The value of Angle ABC will be? (A)30° (B) 60° (C)90° (D) 120° Ans: C 22. What types of angles are they when there are two angles on circumference of a circle by any arc? (A) One is two times the other (B) One is three times the other (C) Equal (D) None of the above Ans: C 23. What are the two consecutive numbers when difference of 5 times of smaller and 4 times of bigger is 3? (A) 8, 9 (B) 7,8 (C) 6,7 (D) None of the above Ans: B 24. Diagonal of a square is half of the diagonal of other square. The area of second square with respect to first will be? (A) Two times (B) Half (C) Four times (D) Eight times Ans: C 25. The number of sides of a regular polygon, when each angle is 162°, is? (A) 10 (B) 20 (C) 15 (D) 25 Ans: B 26 Ram finishes a work in 2 days,Hari finishes that work in 4 days. Then work will be finished in how many days when both work simultaneously? (A)3/4 day (B)4/3 days (C)1/3 day (D) 3 days Ans: B 27. The numbers 1,2,3,4 1000 are multiplied together. The number of zeros at the end (on the right) of the product must be: (A)30 (B)200 (C)211 (D)249 Ans: D 28. When a number is divided by 893, the remainder is 193. What will be the remainder when it is divided by 47? (A)3 (B)5 (C)25 (D)33 Ans: B 29 The sum of the squares of two positive Integers is 100 and the difference of their squares is 28.The sum of the numbers is (A)12 (B)13 (C)14 (D)15 Ans: C 30. Find the odd man out 1,5,14, 30, 50,55,91 (A)5 (B) 50 (C)55 (D) 91 Ans: C DSSSB Question-Paper Delhi Police Sub-Inspector - General Knowledge Solved Question Paper 1. Equity schemes managed strong NAV gains, which boost their assets? was a news in some financial newspapers. What is the full form of the term NAV as used in above head lines ? (A) Nil Accounting Variation (B) Net Accounting Venture (C) Net Asset Value (D) New Asset Venture (D) None of these Ans : (C) 2. As per reports published in various news papers, mutual fund companies showed 94 per cent growth in their total profits during2009-10. This means the profits earned by these companies were 94 per cent? (A) Of the total investments they made collectively during the year (B) More than their profits during previous year (C) Of the total capital of the company (D) Less than the total expenditure of the companies (D) None of these Ans : (B) 3. As per the news published in various news papers Pakistan has imposed 15 per cent regulatory duty on exports of cotton yarn. Why countries are required to impose regulatory duties on exports of some of their commodities while in the eyes of the layman more exports means more foreign exchange and more revenue for the Govt. ? 1. It is done to control the exports of a commodity as it may be needed more in local markets than in foreign countries. 2. It is done to control the general inflation in the country as the inordinate exports of various commodities create imbalance and also cost push inflation. 3. It is a good short time measure to collect more revenue from the exports of the commodity which is in high demand in overseas markets. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) All 1, 2 and 3 (E) None of these Ans : (A) 4. As per the reports published in some major news papers ?ADAG companies? made good profits during the year. ADAG companies are popularly known as? (A) Companies owned by Tata Group (B) Aditya Birla Companies (C) Reliance companies (D) Companies owned by Aptech (E) None of these Ans : (C) 5. ONGC ? Mittal Energy finds hydrocarbons in two blocks OPL-279 & OPL -285 in Nigerian sea was the news in some major news papers. what isthe full form of the term OPL as used in the above head line ? (A) Oil Prospecting License (B) Ownership and Partnership Lease (C) Overseas Private Line (D) ONGC Petroleum Ltd. (E) None of these Ans : (A) 6. ?Mutual Funds reported exceptional performance in 2009-10? was the news in major financial news papers recently. What is a mutual fund ? 1. A type of collective investment scheme that pools money from many investors and invest it in stocks, bonds or other money market instruments. 2. It is a subsidiary of a bank or financial company created specially to ralse money to be invested in a particular industry i.e. housing or insurance etc. The money raised thus cannot be invested anywhere else. 3. When several banks and financial companies come together and create a common pool of money to fund mega infrastructural project like bridges, roads, power plants etc. the common pool is known as Mutual Fund. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) All 1, 2 and 3 (E) None of these Ans : (B) 7. As we all know the Bank Rate at present is fixed at 6%. What does it mean in context to the banking operations ? (A) No bank will be able to give loan to any party on a rate lower than the Bank Rate (B) Bank should give loan to their priority sector customers/borrowers at the rate of 6% only. They cannot charge less or more than this from their priority sector clients (C) Banks are required to invest 6% of their total capital on financial inclusion and inclusive banking operations (D) Banks will be required to give 6% of their total deposits to the Govt. of India for meeting its Balance of Trade requirements (E) None of these Ans : (A) 8. As per the reports in various news papers many private companies are trying to obtain the licences to launch a banking company in India. Which of the following organizations/agencies issue the licence for the same ? (A) Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (B) Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF) (C) Indian Bank Association (D) Registrar of Companies (E) None of these Ans : (E) 9. We very frequently read about Europe?s Sovereign?debt crisis these day. Which of the following statement/s is/are true about the same ? 1. In early 2010 the Euro crisis developed in some countries like Greece, Spain and Portugal. 2. This created a credit default swap between the countries of the European Union. 3. SAARC countries have offered some assistance to some of severely affected countries like Portugal, Spain & Greece. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 1 and 2 (D) All 1, 2 and 3 (E) None of these Ans : (A) 10. As we all know the RBI has raised the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by 25 bps. in April 2010. What action banks will have to take to implement the same ? 1. They will have to deposit some more money with the RBI as a reserved money. 2. Banks will be required to give some more loan to projects of the priority sector. 3. Banks will be required to give loan equivalent to the CRR to the Govt. of India for its day to day expenditure as and when required. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) Only 1 and 2 (E) All 1, 2 and 3 Ans : (A) 11. As per estimates given by the RBI the Economic Growth during the year 2010-11 will be at which of the following levels ? (A) 6?5% (B) 7% (C) 7?5% (D) 8% (E) None of these Ans : (D) 12. Which of the following is/are correct about the RBI?s credit policy announced in April 2010 ? 1. Repo rate raised by 25 bps. 2. A new reporting platform was introduced for secondary market transactions in Certificate of Deposits (CDs) and Commercial Papers (CPs). 3. Core Investment Companies (CICs) having an asset size of Rs. 100crore are required to register also with the RBI. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) All 1, 2 and 3 (E) None of these Ans : (A) 13. As per the announcement made by the RBI some Stock Exchanges in India are allowed to introduce Plain Vanilla Currency Options. The term Plain Vanilla Currency Options is associated with which of the following activities / operations ? (A) Dollar ? Rupee Exchange Rate (B) Floating of Commercial Papers (C) Launch of new mutual funds (D) Deciding the opening price of a share on a particular business day (E) None of these Ans : (A) 14. Which of the following is not a term related to banking/finance operations ? (A) Provision Coverage Ratio (B) Securitization (C) Consolidation (D) Commodification (E) Derivatives Ans : (C) 15. The process of ?Artificial Application of Water to the soil usually for assisting in growing crops?, is technically known as? (A) water harvesting (B) irrigation (C) water recharging (D) percolation (E) None of these Ans : (B) 16. As per the news published in major news papers/journals henceforth the Credit Card holders will be able to access their credit card information though automated interactive voice response system over the phone instead of speaking to the staff. This decision of the banks/credit card companies will provide? 1. an additional hurdle to the customers as people feel comfortable in talking to the staff instead of talking to a machine. 2. an additional security to the customers as this does not allow any staff to handle any transaction directly. 3. some comfort to the banks as they will be able to reduce their staff strength. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) All 1, 2 and 3 (E) Only 1 and 3 Ans : (B) 17. The 34th National Game which were postponed several times are scheduled to be held in which of the following states ? (A) Gujarat (B) Kerala (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Uttar Pradesh (E) Jharkhand Ans : (E) 18. Waste Water generates which of the following gases which is more powerful and dangerous than CO2 ? (A) Nitrogen (B) Sulphur di-oxide (C) Hydrogen (D) Methane (E) None of these Ans : (D) 19. Which of the following days was observed as World Water Day 2010 ? (A) 20th June (B) 22nd July (C) 22nd March (D) 20th May (E) None of these Ans : (C) 20. Late Vinda Karandikar who died a few months back was a famous? (A) Author (B) Cine-Actor (C) Sportsman (D) Classical Singer (E) Social Worker Ans : (A) 21. As per the reports published recently the Govt. of India has decided to create a separate agency/body scrutinize all Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) officially. Up till now the security screening was being done by the? (A) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Govt. of India (B) Reserve Bank of India (C) Securities & Exchange Board of India (D) Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India (E) Ministry of Home Affairs Govt. of India Ans : (E) 22. As per the news reports in various news papers the USA has outlined some major policy goals to prevent the danger of nuclear terrorism. Which of the following is/are included in those policy goals ? 1. Convene a nuclear security summit within a year?s time under the leadership of the USA. 2. A new agreement/pact should be introduced in place of present Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT). 3. Call for a global effort to secure all nuclear weapons at all vulnerable sites all over the world. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 1 and 3 (D) Only 2 and 3 (E) All 1, 2 and 3 Ans : (E) 23. ?Indira Gandhi Canal? which is around 450 km long provide irrigation facility mainly to which of the following states ? (A) Punjab (B) Haryana (C) Madhya Pradesh (D) Gujarat (E) Rajasthan Ans : (E) 24. Former caption of the Indian Cricket team, Ajit Wadekar is conferred which of the following awards for the year 2010 ? (A) Bharat Ratna (B) Khel Shri Award (C) Dronacharya Award (D) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award (E) None of these Ans : (E) 25. Who amongst the following is the director of the popular Hindi film ?Oye Lucky ! Lucky Oye? ? (A) Mani Ratnam (B) David Dhavan (C) Dibankar Banerjee (D) R. Balakrishnan (E) None of these Ans : (C) 26. India recently signed an agreement to import Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) from a country which is the largest LNG producer and supplier of the world. Which is that country ? (A) Kuwait (B) Qatar (C) Iran (D) Saudi Arabia (E) None of these Ans : (B) 27. As a measure to help countries hit by global financial meltdown the RBI has purchased notes worth US $ 10 billion in terms of Special Drawing Rights from a World Organisation/agency. Which is this agency/organization ? (A) Federal Reserve of U.S.A. (B) Asian Development Bank (C) World Bank (D) International Monetary Fund (E) None of these Ans : (D) 28. Which of the following is not a public sector undertaking under the Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India ? (A) Mazagaon Dock Ltd. (B) Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd. (C) Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. (D) Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (E) Bharat Earth Movers Ltd. Ans : (C) 29. Which of the following states won the senior National Women?s Football Tournament 2010 ? (A) Manipur (B) Assam (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Kerala (E) Delhi Ans : (A) 30. Which of the following is not a missile developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) ? (A) Shaurya (B) Pinaka (C) Brahmos (D) Agni (E) Nag Ans : (A) 31. Which of the following declarations/treaties was adopted by the BRIC countries recently to promote Global Food Security ? (A) Moscow Declaration (B) Doha Treaty (C) Delhi Declaration (D) Kabul Treaty (E) None of these Ans : (A) 32. Which of the following statements represent(s) the main objective(s) of the revised National Health Policy?2002 of the Govt. of India ? 1. Increase Public expenditure from 0?9 per cent to 2 per cent of the GDP. 2. Setting up of Medical Grants Commission for funding new Govt.Medical & Dental colleges. 3. Mandatory two years rural posting before awarding the degree to Medical Graduates. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) Only 1 and 3 (E) All 1, 2 and 3 Ans : (E) 33. Which of the following metals is used for genration of nuclear Energy by most of the Nuclear Power Plants ? (A) Zinc (B) Platinum (C) Uranium (D) Nickel (E) None of these Ans : (C) 34. Indus Water Treaty is a pact on sharing of river water between India and? (A) Bangladesh (B) Pakistan (C) Nepal (D) Afghanistan (E) Myanmar Ans : (B) 35. The Union Cabinet recently cleared Prohibition of unfair Practices in Technical Medical Educational Institutes and Universities Bill 2010. As per the bill which of the following will now be treated as a cognizable offence ? (A) Accepting capitation fee from the students (B) Running a private college (C) Not allowing students to change their course in between (D) Running a college without proper facilities (E) None of these Ans : (A) 36. Which of the following is/are considered a Renewable Source of Energy ? 1. Wind Energy 2. Solar Energy 3. Nuclear Energy (A) Only 1 (B) Only 2 (C) Only 3 (D) Only 1 and 2 (E) All 1, 2 and 3 Ans : (D) 37. Which of the following countries is not amongst the top ten in industrial production in the world during 2010 ? (A) India (B) Iran (C) China (D) France (E) U.S.A. Ans : (B) 38. Commonwealth Games 2010 are being organized in which of the following countries ? (A) Australia (B) South Africa (C) Canada (D) New Zealand (E) India Ans : (E) 39. Which of the following is not a banking related term ? (A) Radiation (B) Outstanding amount (C) Benchmark Prime Lending Rate (D) Explicit Guarantee (E) Creditor Ans : (A) 40. Insurance service provided by various banks is commonly known as? (A) Investment Banking (B) Portfolio Management (C) Merchant Banking (D) Bancassurance (E) Micro Finance Ans : (D) 41. Who amongst the following has recently taken over as the Chairman of the 19th Law Commission ? (A) Mr. A. R. Lakshmanan (B) Mr. P. V. Reddy (C) Mr. Yashwant Sinha (D) Mr. Ranjan Bharti Mittal (E) None of these Ans : (B) 42. Moortidevi Award is given for excellence in the field of? (A) Classical dance (B) Literature (C) Classical music (D) Cinematography (E) Social service Ans : (B) 43. Which of the following terms is used in the game of Cricket ? (A) Love (B) Tee (C) Penalty stroke (D) No Ball (E) None of these Ans : (D) 44. Which of the following awards is given by an agency of the United Nations Organization ? (A) Normon Borloug Award (B) Kalinga Prize (C) Ramon Magsaysay Award (D) Pulitzer Prize (E) None of these Ans : (B) 45. Which of the following countries won the Hockey World Cup 2010 ? (A) Spain (B) England (C) India (D) Australia (E) None of these Ans : (D) 46. Who amongst the following is the author of the English novel ?solo?, which was given Common Wealth Writers? Prize 2010 ? (A) Aamer Hussain (B) Jonathan Tel (C) Rana Dasgupta (D) John Torrence Tate (E) None of these Ans : (C) 47. Mr. Surjit Patar who was awarded Saraswati Samman recently is a well known poet of? (A) Hindi (B) English (C) Punjabi (D) Urdu (E) Bengali Ans : (C) 48. Which of the following is the book written by Kiran Desai ? (A) Higher than Everest (B) A Passage to England (C) Affluent Society (D) All my Yester Years (E) The Inheritance of Loss Ans : (E) 49. Which of the following Trophies/cups is associated with the game of Hockey ? (A) Durand Cup (B) Santosh Trophy (C) Rangaswami Cup (D) Ranji Trophy (E) K. D. Singh Babu Trophy Ans : (C) 50. Sandra Bullock who was awarded Oscar recently is a famous? (A) Actress (B) Director (C) Music Composer (D) Screen play writer (E) None of these Ans : (A)