Cooperative Bank (States) Paper

Cooperative Bank Exam Question Paper 1) Font sizes are measured in -------------- a) inches b) points c) bits d) none of these 2) Punched cards were first introduced by -------------- a) Powers b)Pascal c) Herman Hollerith d)None of these 3) CPU is the abbreviated term of ---------------- a) Central processing unit b) Central printing unit c) Central peripheral unit d) None of these 4) The mouse can also used to---------------with the help of proper software a)Draw pictures b)Type text c) All of the above d)none of the above 5) The --------------- recognize the shape of characters with the help of light sources . a)OCR b)OMR c)CRT d)None of these 6) The device that can understand difference between data and a programme is------------------. a)Input device b)Output device c)Micro processor d)None of these 7) ----------- is the cheapest memory devices in terms of cost/Bit a)Magnetic disks b) Compact disks c) Semiconductor memories d) None of these 8) The expansion of D.M.A is ------------- a) Direct Memory Allocator b) Direct Memory Access c) Distinct Memory Access d) None of these 9) The instructions in ------------- are not constantly changing depending upon the needs of the CPU. a) RAM disk b) ROM disk c) Floppy disk d) None of these 10) Two broad categories of software are---------- a) Word processing and spread sheet b)Windows and Macos c)Transaction and applications d)None of these 11) The feature that allows to preview a document in the Computer before it is printed is-------------? a) Print Review b) page review c) Print preview d) None of these 12) Fourth generation computers ------------------- a) Were the first to use microprocessors b) Were the first to use integrate circuits in the hardware c) Were introduced before 1970 d) All of the above 13) ------------ is one of the following which can be employed as input device of a computer system. a) Printer b) Card reader c) Punch reader d) None of the above 14) Magnetic disk is also known as--------------. a)Floppy Disk b) Hard disk c) Magnetic Tapes and cassette d) None of the above 15) The process of a computer receiving information from a server on The internet is known as -------------------- a) Pulling b) pushing c) downloading d) none of these 16) Stealing money from an Institution by way of falsification of records is ------------- a) Forgery b) Breach of Trust c) Misappropriation d) None of these 17) Difference between Assets and Liabilities in the Balance sheet is called---------------- a) Net profit /net loss b) Gross income/expenditure c) Net worth d)None of these 18) Interest on deposit is -------------- income a) Gross income b) Revenue income c) Capital income d) None of these 19) Budget presented before the General Body of a Co-operative Society after the financial year is called------------- a) annual Budget b) Supplementary Budget c) revised budget d) None of these 20) The word Debenture is derived from --------------. a) Debit b) Debt c) Debee d) None of these. 21) ------------- is one of the elements of Co-operative Governance a) Transparency b) Autocracy c) Bureaucracy d) None of these 22) In the word ?VIBGYOR?, V stands for ---------- a) Victory b) validity c) felt need d) none of these 23) Depreciation is a ---------------. a) Statutory reserve b) charged provision c) Contingent expenditure d) None of these 24) Reserve fund invested comes under ------------- of the Balance Sheet a) Asset side b) liability side c) Both sides d) None of these 25) Maximum percentage of Professional education fund appropriated from the net profit of a Co-operative Society is---------------- a) 10% b)15% c) 5% d) c) None of these 26) Liability payable during the year is called --------------. a) Current liability b) contingent liability c) current asset d) None of these 27) Miscellaneous Co-operatives should not collect deposits from------- a) Members b) Nominal or associate members c) Committee Members d) all of these 28) ----------- is a component of working capital of a Co-operative Society a) Share b) furniture c) depreciation reserve d) interest on deposits 29) Maximum age limit for direct recruitment to the post of Deputy General Manager in District Co-operative Bank is --------- (a) 37 (b) 40 (c) 45 (d) none of these 30) Training means ------------- a) Knowledge b) Attitude c) Skill d) All of these. Cooperative Bank (States) Paper Cooperative Bank Clerical Exam Paper 1. Photograph of operators while opening new deposit accounts was insisted as per the recommendation of ------------ a) Prof.Vaidyanathan committee b) Narasimham committee c) Ghosh Committee d) none of these 2. Power of Attorney in writing is executed in the presence of ------------------------- a) Banker b) Magistrate c) Notary d) none of these 3. ----------- is not a negotiable instrument a) cheque b) demand draft c) pay order d) all of these 4. Non-Performing Assets is not ------------- a) generating loss b) generating income c) high yielding loans d) none of these 5. ----------------- is one of the main functions of management. a) Classification b) identification c) control d) none of these. 6. ------------- is the process of measuring or assessing the actual or potential dangers of a particular situation. a) recovery management b) fund management c) risk management d) none of these 7. Interest leakage is occurred when-----------------. a) interest paid and payable is larger than interest received and receivable b) interest is receivable is larger than interest payable c) accumulated loss of the Institution exceeds its own funds. d) none of these 8. Movement of cash to and from the Bank is called --------------- a) Cash outflow b) cash inflow c) cash-in-transit d) none of these 9. Customer relationship management confer----------- of the institution. a) quality and efficiency b) decision support c) all of these d) none of these 10. Expansion of the term KYC -------------------. a) know your capacity b) know your Company c) Know your customer d) none of these 11. --------- is one way of oral communication. a) e-mail b) Television c) SMS d) none of these 12.------------- is defined as the interaction of the individual with the environment, an interaction of the people and their jobs. a) stress b) communication c) leadership d) ) none of the above 13. Banking and other financial services were brought under the purview of service tax by------------- a) Indian Finance Act 1994 b)Indian Finance Act 2001 c) Income tax Act d) none of these 14.Leaders governance is governance of-------------- a) Managing Director b) Board of directors c) Administrator d) none of these 15. Foot ball game is a good example of------------- a) risk management b) team management c) even management d) none of these 16. Which of the following is a distress? a) getting married b) changing job c) excessive obligations d) none of these 17. Low cost borrowings improves ------------------ of a financial Institution. a) stability b)credibility c) profitability d) none of these 18. ------------- is one of the major aspects of Time Management a) Excessive communication b) Politeness c) Regularity d) none of these 19. A good leader ----------------- his group members a) controls b) dictates c)inspires d) teaches 20. --------------- involves assessment of various types of risks and altering balance sheet items in a dynamic manner to manage risks. a) Risk Management b) Recovery Management c) Asset and Liability Management d) None of these 21. An employee of an Institution attending office late after the permissible grace time -----------. a) can sign in the attendance register b) can sign in the late Attendance register c) need not sign in any register d) none of the above 22. Letters received in the Co-operative Bank should be entered in ------------ a) Dispatch Register b) inward register c) Admission register d) None of these 23 ---------- is effective to prevent a financing Institution from burglary. a) appointing a watchman holding rifle license b) installation of safety alarm ,metal detector, video camera c) All of the above d) None of the above 24. Customers Relationship Management ----------------- a) reduce costs through optimization of business process b) increase loyalty c) All of the above d) none of the above 25. Encumbrance certificate discloses the liability of --------------- a) loanee b)individual c) Property d) none of these 26. Application for loan from PCARD Bank should be accompanied with ----------- a) Title deed of property b) Possession and enjoyment certificate c) all of these d) none of these 27. The SCARD Banks in the country have formed their own Federation namely--------------. a) National Federation of State Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks. b) National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development Bank c) National Co-operative Consumer federation d) none of these 28. KSCARDB is permitted to issue debentures under the provisions of ------------------ a) Kerala Co-operative Societies Act b) KSCARDB Act c) Kerala Financial Code d) none of these 29. ---------------- is the Trustee to fulfill the obligation of KSCARD Bank to the holders of debentures. a) Government b) Registrar of co-operative Societies c) NABARD d) none of these 30. Presumptive value is----------------------------------. a) market value of the land preceding to the projected development of land. b) value of the land offered as security after the proposed development is affected. c) difference between pre-development value and post - development value d) ) none of these Cooperative Bank (States) Placement Paper Cooperative Bank Previous Exam Paper 1.Annual General Body meeting of a co-operative Society should be convened within -------- from the close of the financial year. a)1 year b) 6 months c) 3 months d) 9 months 2.What is leadership? a) Influencing b) Motivating c) Good communication d) None of these. 3.Crossing of a cheque can be cancelled by---------------. a) Banker b) Drawer c) Drawee e) None of these. 4.-------------- is one among the preamble of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act.1969 a) Concern for the community b) Management excellence c) Each for all and all for each d) none of these 5.Registrar of Co-operative Societies can supersede the Managing committee of ---------- only. a) Urban co-operative Banks b)Government Assisted Co-operatives c) All Co-operatives d) None of these 6. Auditor of a Co-operative Society shall be appointed from among the panel approved by ----------- a) Registrar of Co-operative Societies b) Director of Co-operative Audit c) NABARD d) None of these 7.From the following which one is hardware of a computer? a) DOS b) Monitor c) LOTUS d) None of these 8.Co-operative Flag was designed by ------------- a) William King b) Charles Gide c) C.R.Fray d) None of these. 9.------------is a statutory reserve created from net profit of a Co-operative Society. a) Building fund b) depreciation fund c) Reserve fund d) None of these 10.Maximum strength of the Managing Committee of a Primary Co-operative Society in Kerala is ----------. a) 21 b)15 c) 7 d) 13 11) Maximum amount of Co-operative Education fund set apart from he Net profit of a Co-operative Society is Rs.---------- a) 40000/- b) 60000/- c) 15000/- d) 25000/- 12) Maximum limit for surrender of Earned leave admissible to the employees of Co-operative Society on retirement is---------- a) 30 days b) 45 days c) 300 days d) 180 days 13) Gahan is created in form --------- a) 8A b) 8B c) 8D d) None of these 14) Written Examination for direct recruitment to the post of clerks in a primary Credit Society is conducted by ------------- a) Public service Commission b) Co-operative Service - Examination Board c) Managing committee d) None of the above 15) Section 80 of Kerala co-operative societies Act came into effect from -------------. a) 1.1.1974 b) 14.7.1969 c) 15.5.1969 d) None of these. 16) Autonomy and Independence is the ------------ Co-operative principle a)2nd b) 4th c) 5th d) none of these 17) Maximum period of loan fixed for the issue of loans to members in a Service Co-operative Bank is ---------. a.12 months b) 24 months c) 120 months d) none of these 18) Fluid Resources maintained by Service co-operative Bank in Kerala should be invested as per the directions of the---------- a.Reserve Bank of India b) Registrar of Co-operative Societies c) Kerala state Co-operative Bank d) none of these 19) Multipurpose Co-operative Societies are the most important types of Societies in-------------- a)U.S.A b) England c) Japan d) none of these 20) -------------- is an output device. a)Paper Tape Reader b)) Visual display unit c) Printer d) None of the above 21) No member of a Co-operative Society expelled under the provisions of the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act shall be eligible for re- admission in that Society for a period of -------------- from the date of such expulsion. a.5 years b) one year c) 2 years d) 3 years 22) Savings Bank Accounts having no operation for a continuous period ------------ will become in operative. a) One year b) Two years c) 3years d) None of these 23) -------------- is the middle level Co-operative Institution in the Short Term/Medium term credit structure. a) State Co-operative Bank b) District Co-operative Bank c) Urban co-operative Bank d) none of these 24) Legal heirs have to submit ---------- certificate to the Bank for claiming credit balance exceeding Rs. 75000/- a) Heir ship certificate b) Succession certificate c) Death certificate d) none of these 25) Fixed deposit Account is a ----------- liability a) Demand liability b) Time liability c) Contingent liability d) none of these. 26) Garnishee order is issued by the Court on the request of the-------- a) Debtor b) Creditor c)Banker d) None of these 27) Expansion of A.T.M is--------------- a) Automatic transfer machin b) Automatic Teller Machine c) Automatic Testing Machine d) None of these 28) Liquid Asset is ----------------. a) Fixed Asset b) Statutory Asset c) Floating Asset d) None of these 29) A person is known as ------------- if he is unable to pay his debts n full a) Bankrupt b) Debtor c) Insolvent d) none of these 30) Banker has to look after -------------- before advancing money to the Borrower. a) Safety b) liquidity c) Security d) all of these Cooperative Bank (States) Placement Paper Cooperative Bank Model Exam Paper 1) Negotiable Instruments Act came into force in the year------------ a) 1969 b) 1882 c) 1881 d) None of these. 2) The Head of Audit wing of the Co-operative Department is---------- a) Director of Audit b) Registrar of Co-operative Societies c) Accountant General of Kerala d) None of these 3) Primary Co-operative Urban Banks owes its origin to --------------. a) Raiffeisen Society b) Schultz Delitzch Banks c) Peoples Banks d) None of these. 4) CRR in Commercial Banks is deposited in -------------------. a) Reserve Bank of India b) NABARD c) State Bank of Travancore d) None of these 5) Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural And Rural Development Bank Act came into force in the year---------------. a) 1969 b) 1884 c) 1881 d) None of these. 6) Co-operative Audit involves ------------- also a) Administrative Audit b) Interim audit c) Internal audit d) None of these 7) Area of operation of a Primary Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (PCARDB) is confined to ---------- a) one village Panchayath b) one taluk c) two taluks d) none of these 8) Kerala State Co-operative Agricultural And Rural Development Bank Ltd was formerly known as -------------------. a) Kerala State Co-operative Bank b) Kerala Agricultural Development Bank c) Kerala Co-operative Central Land Mortgage Bank d) None of these 9) Maximum amount of audit fee charged for auditing a Co-operative Society is Rs---------- a) 25000/- b) 100000 c) 50000 d) none of these 10) Entry Point Norms (EPN) of RBI for licensing urban Co-operative Banks having population more than one lakh in the area is ---------- a) 500 members and share capital Rs.25 lacs b) 3000members and share capital Rs.400 lacs c) 100members and share capital Rs.1 lac d) none of these 11) In core banking system all------------- will be connected to a central server a) all banks b) all branches of the Bank c) all co-operative Banks d) none of these 12) Internet banking is also known as ----------- a) Cyber banking b) online banking c) personal Computer banking d) all of these 13) Cash reserve ratio(CRR) and Statutory Liquid Ratio(SLR) are related to -------------- a) Cash management b) liquidity management c) Risk management d) none of these 14) A contract guarantee is governed by the provisions of ------------- a) Negotiable Instrument Act b) Banking Regulation Act c) Indian Contract Act d) none of these 15) Women representation in the Managing Committee of a Primary Co- operative society in Kerala is ------------- a) 3 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4 16) Final voters list in a Primary Credit Co-operative Society in Kerala for election is published by --------------- a) Returning Officer b) Electoral Officer c) Managing Committee d) None of these 17) The retirement age of an employee of a Co-operative Society shall be ------ Years. a) 56 b) 58 c) 60 d) None of these 18) ................ can exercise casting vote in the meeting of the Managing Committee of a Co-operative Society a) Chairman b) Administrator c) Managing director d) none ofthese 19) ?Subsidiary state partnership fund? is maintained by---------------- a) State Co-operative Bank b) District C-operative Bank c) State Government c) None of these 20) The expansion of ?MASK? is --------------. a) Mutual Aid Scheme Kerala b) Mutual Assistance Scheme Kerala c) Mutual Arrangement Scheme Kerala d) None of the above 21) Prudential norms include--------------. a) Income recognition b) Assets classification c) provisioning d) all of these 22) Primary Agricultural Credit Society (PACS) can become a Member of ----------------. a) State Co-operative Bank b) Primary Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank c) Kerala Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Bank d) None of the above 23) In CAMELS rating ?C? stands for-------------. a) Capability b) Competency c) Capital adequacy d) None of these 24) KICMA is an Institution functioning under the control of ------------- a) Institute of co-operative Management b) Kerala State Co-operative Bank c) Kerala State co-operative Union d) None of the above 25) Section138 of the negotiable Instruments Act states that drawer of the cheque is liable to be punished if the cheque is bounced for -------. a) not crossing b) alteration of figures c) insufficient funds d) none of these 26) Bank provides overdraft facility in -----------. a) SB Account b) current account c) Fixed Deposit Account d) none of these 27) Authorized share capital of a co-operative Bank in Kerala is fixed in the ----------- a)Kerala co-operative Societies Act b)Banking Regulation Act c)By-laws of the Bank d)none of these 28) Authority to issue legal heir certificate of deceased is---------- a) Court b) Revenue authorities c) Registration authorities d) none of these 29) Cheque presented subsequent to the receipt of ?stop payment order? will be returned after writing the words---------------across the cheque. a) Payment stopped b) refer to drawer c) Payment stopped by the drawer d) none of these 30) Primary urban co-operative Bank should strengthen its -------- for increasing borrowing power. a) deposits b) share capital c) profit d) none of these 31) e-banking provides ----------- to customers. a) Online banking service b) any time banking service c) All of these d) none of these 32) Implementing agency of Kissan credit card scheme is----------. a) Commercial Banks b) Regional rural banks c) Co-operative Banks d) all of these 33) When the rate of interest is changed from time to time it is called -------------. a) Fixed rate b) nominal rate c) floating rate d) none of these 34) Succession certificate issued by ------------- is valid throughout India. a)Supreme Court of India b) Any court c) High Court d) none of these 35) Naturally guardian of a minor is--------------- a) father b) mother c) brother c) none of these Cooperative Bank (States) Question-Paper Cooperative Bank Sample Paper 1) A Primary Co-operative Society in Kerala not coming under the Banking Regulation Act shall maintain fluid resources to the extent of -----------its demand liabilities a) 10% b) 20% c) 100% d) none of these 2) Protection to collecting Banker under N.I Act is available only if it is a----------- a) Bearer cheque b) order cheque c) order cheque as well as crossed one d) none of these 3) All loans can be treated as secured loans if those loans were disbursed against--------------. a) Personal security b) on the security of gold d) charge on crop d) none of these 4) Documentation means-------------------- a) drafting of documents b) filing and execution of security document c) keeping them safe and legally alive after execution d) All of these 5) Industrial development of India was established under the initiative of--------------. a) SBI b) World Bank c) RBI d) none of these 6) Is it necessary to register ?equitable mortgage? a) yes b) Not necessary c) at certain times d) Necessary if the loan amount exceeds lakh 7) A depositor can withdraw amount from his SB Account through ---------- in a Primary Credit Co-operative Society a) Cheque b) voucher c) Withdrawal slip d) none of these 8) Banker should obtain ------------- writing if the customers Account is to be operated by another a) probate b) mandate c) pronote d) none of the above 9) Cash or other assets continually undergoing conversion into cash is known as-------------. a) Fixed asset b) Statutory asset c) floating asset d) none of these. 10) Drawer in the case of Demand Draft is---------- a) Purchaser b) Payee c) Issuing Banker d) none of these 11) RBI?s licensing policy for setting new co-operative Urban Banks is based on --------------. a) Strong start up capital b) Corporate Governance c) All of these d) none of these 12) Banks without any branch is called-------------- a) Federal bank b) unit Bank c) Apex Bank d) none of these 13) Urban co-operative Bank shall maintain SLR at the rate ------------- its demand and time liability a) 10% b) 24% c) 25% d) 6% 14) Maximum Interest rate on various deposits in a Service Co- operative Bank in Kerala is fixed by ------------- a) Reserve Bank of India b) Managing Committee c) Registrar of Co-operative Societies d) none of these 15. The basis of quantum of mortgaged loan to be sanctioned by the Banker to the borrower is ------------ a) encumbrance certificate b) Possession and enjoyment certificate c) Valuation certificate d) none of the above 16. Essential characteristic of Banking to accept deposits from ----------- for the purpose of lending or investment. a) members b) public c) government d) none of these 17. ----------- is the right of the Banker. a) General lien b) Moral lien c) special lien d) none of the above 18. A document is defined in ------------ a) Indian Evidence Act b) Negotiable Instrument Act c) Indian Stamp Act d) none of these 19. Co-operative Bank as per section5 (cci) of Banking Regulation Act Include -----------------. a) Primary Agricultural Credit Society b) PCARDB c) Urban Co-operative society d) none of these 20. ------------ maintains currency chest with public Sector Banks a) RBI b) SBI c) State Co-Operative Bank d) none of these 21. ?protest? is issued by--------------- a) Borrower b) Banker c) Notary public d) none of these 22. Gilt edged securities include---------- a) Securities issued by 1st class Magistrate b) Government securities c) Debentures d) none of these 23. Material alteration in a cheque means ---------------- a) Alteration from general crossing to special crossing b) Negligible alteration c) Alteration of amount d) none of these 24. Responsibility of fixing stamp of proper value to the document is vested with ---------------- a) Banker b) Executor c) Both of them d) none of these. 25. Transfer of money, paying telephone bills, and water charges can be done at your home or workplace of a customer is called ---------------- a) Telephone banking b) ATM service c) Internet banking d) none of these Cooperative Bank Model Exam Paper 1) NABARD was established on---------------. a) 1982 b) 1949 c) 1969 d) none of these 2) Internet Banking is also known as --------------. a) Cyber Banking b) Online Banking c) Personal Computer Banking d) all of these 3) Surplus fund in Banking In stitutions will occur when--------- a)Outstanding loan amount is larger than outstanding deposits b)Outstanding deposits are larger than outstanding loan amounts c)Outstanding loan amount is larger than its overdues d)none of these 4) Issue of notice of maturity of deposits to the depositor is ---------. a) Mandatory b) Obligatory c) legal d) none of these 5) Immovable property offered as security for availing loan shall be created by means of --------------. a) Pledge b) mortgage c) hypothecation d) none of these 6) One of the following services cannot be accessed through mobile banking a) Balance enquiry b) Cheque status enquiry c) Cash withdrawal d) Stop payment order 7) High yielding Loan is a -------------. a) Performing Asset b) Non-performing Asset c) Fixed Asset d) none of these 8) Maximum validity of a cheque is ---------- a) 3 months b) 6 months c) 12 months d) none of these 9) --------- is plastic card provides purchase of goods on credit and withdrawal of cash. a) Debit card b) credit card c) ATM card d) none of these 10) Current Account shall not be opened in the names of --------- a) Woman b) physically handicapped persons c) illiterate person d) All of these 11) Important reform suggested by Prof.Vaidyanathan Committee for the revival of Service Co-operative Society is to ------------- a)ensure full voting membership rights to all users of financial services. b)restriction on term of office of office bearers. c)strong support by providing maximum share capital from Government d)none of these 12) Election to the President of a Co-operative Society is conducted by-------------- a) Managing Committee b) State Co-operative Election Commission c)Registrar of Co-operative Societies d) none of these. 13) Experts in the Board of Director Board of the Primary C-o-operative Society are ------------------------. a) Elected by the General Body b) Co-opted by the Managing Committee c) Nominated by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies d) Co-opted by the Reserve Bank of India 14) Maximum period of Administrator/Administrative Committee of Co-operative Society carrying Banking business is --------- a) 6 months b) one year c) 3 months d) none of these 15) The Chief Executive of the Society shall prepare the financial statements and statutory statements within ------------ from the close of the financial year. a) One month b) 2 months c)6 months d) none of these 16) ----------- means allocating the work in such a way that one person?s work is automatically checked by another a) Internal allocation b) internal control c) Internal check d) none of these 17) ?Co-operative Ombudsman? in Kerala is set by ------------- a) Government of Kerala b) Government of India c) Hon,ble High Court of Kerala d) none of these 18) All primary Credit Co-operatives in Kerala shall open its branches with the prior permission of --------- a) Reserve Bank of India b) Government of Kerala c) Registrar of Co-operative Societies d) Apex Society 19) The Government shall in consultation with ----------- fix or alter the number and designation of the officers and servants of different classes of Societies specified in section 80(2) of KCS Act 1969. a) Kerala State Co-operative Union b) Apex Society c) Registrar of Co-operative Societies d) none of these 20) As per section 80 (6) of KCS Act 1969 ---------------- shall have power to fix the minimum and maximum limit of establishment expenses of co-operative Societies. a) Registrar of Co-operative Societies b) Kerala State Co-operative Union c) Government of Kerala d) none of these 21) Any Officer willfully fails to hand over cash balance or securities or records to an Officer authorized by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term up to ---------- or with fine up to Rs5000/-or with both a) 6 months b) one year c) 7 years d) 2 years 22) All monitory disputes referred under section 69 of KCS Act 1969 shall be filed within ----------years when the repayment is over. a) 3 years b) 5 years c) 10 years d) none of these 23) -------------- is a term which refers to the physical components of a computer system (electronic and electrical)which are used for processing data. a)Software b) Hardware c) all of these d) None of these. 24) Monitory unit of a computer is one which -------------- a) A storage area for the computer programme as it is being executed. b) A storage area for data which is about to be processed. c) All of the above? d) None of the above 25) The word feature that makes some basic assumptions about the text entered and automatically makes changes based on those assumptions is ----------------. a) Auto change b) Auto correct c)Auto text d) Auto format