C.I.S Exam (LIFE & NON-LIFE) Practice of General Ins. Papers


C.I.S Examination

C.I.S Examination Practice of General Ins. Papers

 Insurance companies in India conduct CIS examinations on a national level. Questions are posed based on life insurance practise. Following the examination, candidates will be hired by insurance companies to ensure a safe atmosphere for their consumers.

Qualification for participating in this test - Candidates for the paper must have graduated from high school. They should be a citizen of the country of India. Science and non-Science graduates can apply. It's a good choice for non-Science majors, but it doesn't have to be their first choice. If you're going to get your certificate soon, you can apply too.

Scoring and Negative Marking - Subjective questions are included in the question paper, and these questions are asked in a sub-question format. The paper has no negative marking, so students are free to attempt all of the questions.

Exam Format - The paper is subjective, and the questions are descriptive in nature and must be answered on the accompanying answer sheet.

Pattern- The questions posed are of a subjective nature; one short note question is required, and seven of the remaining questions must be attempted.

Exam Pattern for C.I.S Examination General insurance is a descriptive paper, and there are 10 long-answer type questions in it. To make it easier for students to understand, these questions have been broken down into subquestions for them. 8 of the questions need to be answered. Question 1 must be answered, but there are only 8 questions.

Marking - Each question has the same number of points, except the first one.

Schedule - The paper must be completed in the allotted period of 3 hours.

Recommended Books: - * Asset Management by Insurance Institute of India * Insurance Salesmanship by Insurance Institute of India