BPSC Solved Question Paper

BPSC Solved Question Paper 1. The proper system for education is: (a) The present examination-system (b) The examination-system with books (c) Semester system (d) Objective question paper Ans. (c) 2. Hypothesis can not be stated in: (a) Null and question form terms (b) Declarative terms (c) General terms. (d) Directional terms Ans. (c) 3. Satellite communication works through: (a) Radar (b) Transponder (c) Receptor (d) Transmitter Ans. (b) 4. Computer can: (a) Process both quantitative and qualitative information (b) Store huge information (c) Process information and fast accurately (d) All of the above Ans. (d) 5. Informal communication network with in the organization is known as: (a) Grape vine communication (b) Interpersonal communication (c) Mass communication (d) Interpersonal communication Ans. (a) 6. Linear programming models solve problems dealing with: (a) Relatives and absolutes (b) Routes and mixes (c) Dispersions and similarities (d) Rupees and percentages Ans. (b) 7. Hierarchy has been described as the Scalar process by: (a) L. D. White (b) P. H. Appleby (c) Mooney and Reilley (d) Gullick and Urwick Ans. (d) 8. Henry Fayol supports the: (a) Humanistic approach (b) Mechanistic approach (c) Organic approach (d) Scientific approach Ans. (b) 9. The main focus of Human Relations theory is on: (a) Formal organization (b) Informal organization (c) Individual (d) Participatory decision making Ans. (c) 10. Environment is synonymous with: (a) Task (b) Relations (c) People (d) Situational variables Ans. (d) 11. An organization principle based upon divisions of Labour is called: (a) Line organization (b) Functional organization (c) Informal organization (d) None of the above Ans. (b) 12. In the organization, authority flows in a vertical line: (a) From the top downward (b) From the bottom upward (c) Both ways downward and upward (d) None of these Ans. (a) 13. Match the following: A. Advisory function 1. Staff executives B. Manpower development 2. Directing C. Guiding function 3. Line executives D. Managerial authority 4. Staffing Codes: A B C D (a) 1 4 3 2 (b) 1 3 4 2 (c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 2 1 3 4 Ans. (b) 14. Dorwin Cartwright and Alvin Zander identified the following two variables: (i) Employee-oriented (ii) Production-oriented (iii) Goal-oriented (iv) Group -oriented The correct code is: (a) (i) and (U) (b) (ii) and (iii) (c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv) Ans. (c) 15. Quantitative techniques used to solve business problems are called: (a) operations management (b) operation science (c) operation research (d) management operation Ans. (c) 16. Assertion (A): A tenet of scientific management is co-operation and harmony between workers and managers. Reason (R): Taylor believed in participative management. In the context of the above two statements which one of the following is correct? (a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false but R is true. Ans. (c) 17. Assertion (A): According to Taylor, one of the best way of doing each task leads to increase in productivity in organization. Reason (R): It was the management?s responsibility alone to find out this one of the best way. Codes: (a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. Ans. (b) 18. Which of the following creates time utility? (a) Farmer (b) Carpenter (c) Trader (d) Driver Ans. (c) 19. Match the following: A. Responsiveness of demand to change in price 1. Income elasticity of demand B. Responsiveness of demand to change in tastes 2. Price elasticity of demand C. Responsiveness of demand to change in income 3. Cross elasticity of demand D. Responsiveness of demand to change in price 4. Taste elasticity of demand of related goods. Codes: A B C D (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 3 1 2 (c) 3 4 2 1 (d) 2 4 1 3 Ans. (d) 20. Assertion (A): The theory and hypotheses of Argyris suggest no relationship between personal development of the individual and the organizational situation. Reason (R): The principles and characteristics of a formal organization, in the opinion of Argyris, are incongruent to the needs of adult human beings. Codes: (a) A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (b) A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. (c) A is true but R is false. (d) A is false but R is true. Ans. (d) 21. Management by objectives is implemented in an organization by stages, one such stage action planning, includes: I. Assigning responsibilities for achieving objectives II. Choosing strategies appropriate to the objectives III. Allocating resources for achieving objectives IV. Scheduling specific activities to achieve maximum resource utilization Identify from th following combinations the correct sequence in which the action planning stages are implemented (a) I, II, III, IV (b) II, III, IV, I (c) III, IV, I, II (d) II, I, III, IV Ans. (d) 22. What is BIS? (a) Business Information System (b) Business of Industrial Sale (c) Bureau of Indian Standard (d) None of the above Ans. (c) 23. Match List-I (Activity) with List-Il (Associated organization) and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the lists: List-I List-II A. Mutual fund 1. Stock exchange B. Public issue of capital 2. Assets management company C. Forward trading 3. Merchant banking D. Option pricing 4. Forex market Codes: A B C D (a) 3 2 4 1 (b) 3 2 1 4 (c) 2 3 1 4 (d) 2 3 4 1 Ans. (d) 24. Which of the following are the methods of market new issues of securities? I. Listing of securities II. Jobbers and brokers III. Private placement of securities IV. Privileged subscriptions Select the correct answer using the codes given below. Codes: (a) I and II (b) II and III (c) III and IV (d) I, II, III, and IV Ans. (c) 25. SEBI was established in: (a) 1993 (b) 1992 (c) 1988 (d) 1990 Ans. (c) BPSC Placement Paper BPSC Previous Year Question Paper 2014 1. Bihar is the ?- largest state of India according to 2001 census a. Second b. Third c. Forth d. Fifth Ans. b 2. In India the third largest state according to population and twelveth largest state in areas is a. Maharashtra b. Madhya Pradesh c. Karnataka d. Bihar a. Ans. d 3. In How many adhikaranas is the Kautilya Arth-Shastra divided? a. 11 b. 12 c. 14 d. 15 Ans. d 4. Who Identified the name Sandrokottas as Chandragupta Maurya? a. Willam Jones a. V. Smith a. R.K. Mookerji a. D.R. Bhandarkar Ans. a 5. Who Deciphered the Brahmi Inscriptions of Asoka first time? a. Princep b. H.D. Sankalia c. S.R. Goyal d. V.N. Mishra Ans. a 6. The last Mauryan emperor was? a. Jalok b. Avanti Verma c. Nandi Vardhana d. Briha Dratha Ans. d 7. Iltutmish appointed his first subedar in Bihar to: a. Aivaj b. Nasiruddin Mehamud c. Alimardan d. Mali-Jani Ans. d 8. After the revolt of 1857 the British recruted the Soldiers from the Brahmins of U.P & Bihar a. Bengalis and Orrias from the EastGurkhas b. Sikhs and Punjabis in the North c. Madras presidency and Marathas Ans. c 9. Bihar Socialist party was founded by: a. J.P. Narayan b. Satya Bhakta c. M.N. Roy d. Subhash Chandra Bose Ans. a 10. Who founded patliputra a. Udyan b. Ashoka c. Bimansar d. Mahapadmanada Ans. a 11. Which one of the following is correct about the permanent settlement introduced in Bihar a. The Zamindars were deprived of the-ownership of the land b. The right of ownership of land was made heriditory and transferable for the Zamindars c. Land revenue was constitutionalised d. Abolition of Zamindari Ans. b 12. The militant phase of the trade union movement in India was a. 1939-45 b. 1926-39 c. 1918-26 d. 1914-18 Ans. b 13. The most important of the pre-congress Nationalist organization was the a. Bengal British India Society b. East India Association c. Young Bengal Association d. Indian Association of Calcutta Ans. d 14. Who was the founder of Forward Block? a. Jai Prakash Narain b. C.R. Dey c. Moti Lal Nehru d. Subash Chander Bose Ans. d 15. Who was the first President of All India Trade Union Congress a. B.T. Randave b. Satya Bhakta c. Lala Lajpat Rai d. N.M. Joshi Ans. c 16. Where was the first All India Kissan Maha Sabha formed a. Calcutta b. Madras c. Lucknow d. Patna Ans. c 17. The revolt of 1857 at Lucknow as led by: a. Begum of Avadh b. Tantia Tope c. Rani Lakshmibai d. Nana Saheb Ans. a 18. When was the Rowlatt Act Passes? a. 1919 b. 1920 c. 1921 d. 1922 Ans. a 19. Gandhi ji launched the Non-coperation movement in a. 1920 b. 1919 c. 1921 d. 1922 Ans. a 20. Quit India movement began on: a. 9th August 1942 b. 10th August 1942 c. 15th August 1942 d. 16th August 1942 Ans. a 21. The captain of Indian Hockey team who won Asia cup 2007 was a. Dilip Tirkey b. Prabhjot Singh c. Baljit Singh d. Varinder Singh Ans. a 22. The Longest day in southern Hemisphere is a. 22 June b. 22 December c. 21 March d. 22 September Ans. b 23. Great Barrier Reef is situated nearSouth America a. Europe b. Australia c. Africa Ans. c 24. Dakshin Gangotri is located inUttarakhand a. Arctic b. Himalaya c. Antarctica Ans. d 25. A mountain range of Europe is a. Alps b. Himalaya c. Andes d. Rocky Ans. a BPSC Question-Paper BPSC Previous Year Solved Paper 1. Ranchi city is located in a. Bihar b. Madhya Pradesh c. Orissa d. Jharkhand Ans. d 2. Coal account for .. percent commercial energy requirement of India76 a. 56 b. 67 c. 52 d. Ans. a 3. .. carries 40 percent of road traffic of IndiaNational Highways a. State roads b. District roads c. Village roads Ans. a 4. The 47.78 percent irrigation potential of India is created through a. Major Project b. Minor project Major Project c. Minor Projects d. Medium Projects Ans. c 5. India get maximum rainfall mainly from a. North-East Monsoon b. Retreating Monsoon c. South-East Monsoon d. Convectional rainfall 6. The estimated coal reserves in Bihar is a. 1260 crore tones b. 303 crore tones c. 25310 crore tones d. 16 crore tonnes Ans. d 7. The Railway zone head quarters Hajipur is located in a. Chhattisgarh b. Uttar Pradesh c. Jharkhand d. Bihar Ans. d 8. The percentage of net cultivated area out of total area in Bihar is a. 60 b. 40 c. 80 d. 70 Ans. a 9. Indian Development Forum (IDF) was earlier known as: a. Aid India Consortium b. Aid India Bank c. World Bank d. None of the above Ans. a 10. It will be true to classify India as a. A food-deficit economy b. A labour-surplus economy c. A trade surpluses economy d. A capital surplus economy Ans. b 11. Modvat is related to a. Sales Tax b. Wealth Tax c. Income Tax d. Excise-Duty Ans. d 12. The eleventh planâ??s objective isRemoval of property a. Inclusive growth b. Growth with social-justice c. Development of minorities Ans. b 13. Rainbow revolution is related with a. Green-revolution b. White-revolution c. Blue-revolution d. All of the above Ans. d 14. The one rupee note bears the signature of the a. Secretary, Ministry of Finance b. Governor, RBI c. Finance Minister d. None of these Ans. a 15. The period of plan-holiday in India was a. 1962-65 b. 1966-69 c. 1969-72 d. 1972-75 Ans. b 16. The ?Rolling Plan? concept in national planning was introduced by a. Indira Gandhi b. The National Front Government c. The Janata Government d. Rajiv Gandhi Ans. c 17. Consider the following words: a. Socialist b. Democratic c. Sovereign d. Secular Choose the response that gives the correct in the preamble a. C, A, D and B b. C, D, A and B c. C, D, B and A d. D, A, C and B Ans. a 18. In which house is the presiding officer not a member of that house? a. Lok-Sabha b. Rajya-Sabha c. Vidhan-Sabba d. Vidhan-Parishad Ans. b 19. By which constitutional amendment bill was the voting age reduced from 21 years to 18 years? a. 48th b. 57th c. 61st d. 63nd Ans. c 20. If the position of president and Vice-President are vacant, who officiates as the president of India? a. The Prime Minister b. The Chief Justice of India c. The Speaker of Lok-Sabha d. None of these Ans. b 21. A panchayat samiti at the block level is a. An advisory body b. An administrative authority c. A consultant committee d. A supervisory authority Ans. d 22. According to the World Bankâ??s latest development report, the position of the Indian economy in the world is theLargest a. Smallest b. Second Largest c. Fifth Largest 23. If the cash reserve ratio is lowered by the RBI, itâ??s impact on credit creation will beIncrease it a. Decrease it b. No impact c. None of the other Ans. a 24. is a joint irrigation project of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh states a. Damodar Valley Project b. Kosi Project c. Son Barrage Project d. Gandak Project Ans. d 25. According to 2001 census ?- percent population of India lives in Bihar state a. 8 b. 10 c. 11 d. 12 Ans. a BPSC- BPSC Previous Year Questions and Answers 1: Which strait connects Red Sea and Indian Ocean? (I) Kazakhstan (II) Turkmenistan (III) Uzbekistan (IV) China Ans1: China 2: Where is ?Ninety East Ridge? situated? (I) Pacific Ocean (II) Indian Ocean (III) Atlantic Ocean (IV) Arctic Ocean Ans2: Indian Ocean 3: Ranchi city is located in?.? (I) Bihar (II) Madhya Pradesh (III) Orissa (IV) Jharkhand Ans3: Jharkhand 4: The 47.78 percent irrigation potential of India is created through?.? (I) Major Project (II) Minor project Major Project (III) Minor Projects (IV) Medium Projects Ans4: Minor Projects 5: The large States of India in the order of area are?.? (I) Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra (II) Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra (III) Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh (IV) Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan Ans5: Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra 6: The highest coal-producing country in the world is?.? (I) India (II) USA (III) China (IV) Russia Ans6: China 7: Coal Mines in Jharkhand are located at ?.? (I) Jharia (II) Jamshedpur (III) Ranchi (IV) Lohardaga Ans7: Jharia 8: Bihar Is the Largest State of India According to the CENSUS 2001? (I) Second (II) Third (III) Fourth (IV) Fifth Ans8: Third 9: Satellite communication works through?.? (I) Radar (II) Transponder (III) Receptor (IV) Transmitter Ans9: Transponder 10: Which of the following creates time utility? (I) Farmer (II) Carpenter (III) Trader (IV) Driver Ans10: Trader 11: What is BIS? (I) Business Information System (II) Business of Industrial State (III) Bureau of Indian Standard (IV) None of the above? Ans11: Bureau of Indian Standard 12: Who among the following was not a painter in the Mughal period? (I) Mir Sayyid Ali (II) Abdus Samad (III) Bishan Das (IV) Baz Bahadur Ans12: Baz Bahadur 13: Who among the following ministers in the eight-member council (Ashtapradhan) of Shivaji, held the charge of finance? (I) Peshwa (II) Amatya (III) Sumant (IV) Pandit Rao ANs13: Amatya 14: TISCO plant is located near..? (I) Patna (II) Darbhanga (III) Dhanbad (IV) Tatanagar Ans14: Tatanagar 15: The one rupee note bears the signature of the?? (I) Secretary, Ministry of Finance (II) Governor, RBI (III) Finance Minister (IV) None of these Ans15: Secretary, Ministry of Finance 16: The period of plan-holiday in India was?? (I) 1962-65 (II) 1966-69 (III) 1969-72 (IV) 1972-75 Ans16: 1966-69 Ques17: In which house is the presiding officer not a member of that house? (I) Lok-Sabha (II) Rajya-Sabha (III) Vidhan-Sabba (IV) Vidhan-Parisha Ans17: Rajya Sabha 18: Where is Industries Commissioner Office of Bihar situated? (I) Patna (II) Gaya (III) Hajipur (IV) Muzaffarpur Ans18: Patna 19: North Bihar is famous for?? (I) agricultural prosperity (II) heavy industries (III) flood (IV) famine Ans19: Flood 20: The Provincial were constituted Act of Governments under the?? (I) 1935 (II) 1932 (III) 1936 (IV) 1947 Ans20: 1935 BPSC Whole-Testpaper BPSC Solved Paper 1. Increase in net RBI credit for central government represents: (a) Budgetary Deficit (b) Revenue Deficit (c) Fiscal Deficit (d) Monetized Deficit Ans. (d) 2. The famous book ?The Philosophy of Management? was written by: (a) Henry Fayol (b) Oliver Scheldon (c) F. W. Taylor (d) Urwick Ans. (b) 3. Arrange the following ingredients of communication process in the proper order: 1. Message 2. Receiver 3. Encoder 4. Channel 5. Decoder (a) 1, 3, 2, 5, 4 (b) 1, 3, 4, 2, 5 (c) 3, 1, 4, 5, 2 (d) 3, 1, 2, 4, 5 Ans. (c) 4. Marginal Revenue will be negative if the demand is: (a) Relatively elastic (b) Unitary elastic (c) Relatively inelastic (d) Perfectly elastic Ans. (c) 5. Price control; is one of the monopoly regulations which is most advantageous for: (a) The producer (b) The consumer (c) The government (d) The seller Ans. (b) 6. Which one of the following is considered as the first principle of organization? (a) Delegation (b) Co-ordination (c) Unity of command (d) Supervision Ans. (b) 7. Find the odd one out: (a) Human relations theory (b) Informal functioning (c) Humanistic theory (d) Structural theory Ans. (d) 8. The real aim of production is: (a) To create material goods (b) To eliminate poverty (c) To satisfy people?s wants (d) To provide basic necessities. Ans. (c) 9. At the point of inflexion, the marginal utility is: (a) Increasing (c) Maximum (b) Decreasing (d) Negative Ans. (c) 10. ?Production? may be defined as an act of: (a) Creating utility (b) Earning profit (c) Destroying utility (d) Providing services Ans. (a) 11. The Scientific Management stressed upon: 1. Rationality 2. Specialization 3. Technical Competence 4. Predictability Select the correct code: (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) l, 2, 3 and 4 Ans. (d) 12. Arrange the Maslow?s Need Hierarchy in the descending order: 1. Social 2. Self-Actualization 3. Physiological 4. Ego 5. Security (a) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 (b) 3, 5, 1, 2, 4 (c) 2, 4, 1, 3, 5 (d) 2, 4, 1, 5, 3 Ans. (d) 13. According to which theory, leadership is multi dimensional? (a) Behavioural Theory (b) Situational Theory (c) Trait Theory (d) None of the above Ans. (b) 14. Which of the following according to Hertzberg are not the motivators? 1. Responsibility 2. Recognition 3. Interpersonal relations 4. Work itself Ans. (c) 15. The practice of placing a candidate at the right job is: (a) Selection (b) Placement (c) Interview (d) None of these Ans. (a) 16. Selection process in any organization is usually proceeded by the preparation of: (a) Human resources audit (b) Operations audit (c) Human resources inventory (d) Human resources accounting Ans. (c) 17. A written statement of the main duties and responsibilities which a particular job entails is called: (a) Job analysis (b) Job specification (c) Job description (d) Job evaluation Ans. (c) 18. Partnership is a form of business organization in which business debts can be recovered from: (a) The managing partners (b) MI the managers and partners (c) The firm and the managers (d) The firm and all the partners Ans. (d) 19. The main objective of Stock Exchange is to: (a) Provide facilities for speculation (b) Safeguard the interest of investors (c) Help in the capital formation in the country (d) Provide a ready market for securities Ans. (b) 20. Contango charge is paid by a: (a) Bull speculator to bear speculator (b) Bear speculator to bull speculator (c) Lame duck to bull speculator (d) Bull to lane duck speculator Ans. (a) 21. MRTP Act came into force in: (a) 1969 (b) 1970 (c) 1971 (d) 1980 22. Dumping is an example of: (a) Monopolistic practice in international trade (b) Monopoly in international trade (c) Oligopoly in international trade (d) Perfect competition in international trade Ans. (a) 23. A critical activity is defined as one whose: (a) Total float is zero (b) Free float is zero (c) Duration is the longest (d) None of the above Ans. (a) 24.?t? Distribution was discovered by: (a) Karl Pearson (b) Fisher (c) Laplace (d) Gosset Ans. (d) 25. Scheduled bank is that bank which is: (a) Nationalized (b) Not nationalized (c) Bared at foreign country (d) Include in the second schedule of RBI Ans. (d)