
Bank of India English Language Paper Directions(Q. 1to15) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. The King of Kanchi set off to conquer Karnat. He was victorious in batttle. The elephants were laden with sandalwood, ivory, gold and precious stones taken from the conquered kingdom of Karnat. They would be a part of the victory parade for his subjects. On his way back home he stopped at a temple, finished his prayers to the goddess and turned to leave. Around his neck was a garland of scarlet hibiscus and as was the custom for all, his forehead was anointed with red sandal paste. His Minister and the court jester were his only companions. At one spot, in a mango grove by the wayside, they spied some children play. The King said, â??Let me go and see what they are playing. The children had lined up two rows of clay dolls and were playing warriors and battles. The King asked, ?Who is fighting whom ?? They said, ?Karnat is at battle with Kanchi.? The King asked, ?Who is winning and who is the loser ?? The children puffed their chests up and said, ?Karnat will win and Kanchi will lose.? The Minister froze in disbelief, the King was furious and the jester burst into laughter. The King was soon joined by his troops and the children were still immersed in their game. The King commanded, ?Cane them hard.? The children?s parents came running from the nearby village and said, ?They are naive, it was just a game, please grant them pardon.? The King called his commander and ordered, ?Teach these children and the village a lesson so that they never forget the King of Kanchi.? He went back to his camp. That evening the Commander stood before the King. He bowed low in shame and said, ?Your Majesty, with the exception of hyenas and vultures, all lie silent in the village.? The Minister said, ?His Majesty?s honour has been saved.? The priest said, ?The goddess has blessed our King.? The jester said, ?Your Highness, please grant me leave to go now.? The King asked, ?But why ?? The jester said, ?I cannot kill, I cannot maim, I can only laugh at God?s gift of life.? Trembling in the face of the king?s anger he bravely continued, ?If I stay in your Majesty?s court, I shall become like you and I shall forget how to laugh.? 1. Why were the elephants carrying loads of gold and other valuables ? (A) This was what the king had looted from Karnat to distribute among his soldiers as a reward (B) This was the king?s offering to the deity out of gratitude for making him victorious (C) It was what the king had plundered from Karnat to display to the people of his kingdom as a sign of victory (D) So that the people of the kingdom of Karnat acknowledged him as their new ruler (E) None of these 2. Why did the king anoint his head with red sandal paste ? (A) As a mark of celebration to show he had been victorious (B) It was the usual practice for all devotees at the temple (C) To show other devotees that he was king (D) The priest requested him to do so (E) To show his soldiers that he had visited the temple 3. Which of the following cannot be said about the jester ? 1. He was not a loyal subject of the king. 2. He was afraid of the king?s temper. 3. He did not support the king?s war against Karnat. (A) Both 1 and 3 (B) Only 1 (C) Both 1 and 2 (D) All 1, 2 and 3 (E) None of these 4. What excuse was given for the childrens? behaviour ? (A) They were disobedient to their parent?s wishes (B) They were unaware of the true facts of the battle (C) They were upset that their army had lost (D) They were in the habit of lying (E) None of these 5. Why did the jester laugh at the children?s reply to the king ? 1. They correctly predicted the outcome of the battle. 2. Their reply was cheeky because they knew he was the king. 3. He wanted to show that their reply was a joke to save them from being punished by the king. (A) Only 1 (B) Both 1 and 2 (C) Only 3 (D) Both 2 and 3 (E) None of these 6. Which of the following is true in the context of the passage ? (A) The king stopped at the temple to see what else could be plundered (B) The people of the village to which the children belonged developed great respect for the king (C) The Commander was ashamed at having obeyed the king?s orders to cane the children (D) The jester was unhappy that the king had defeated the army of Karnat (E) The children had shown disrespect to the goddess by playing so close to the temple 7. Why did the jester resign from his post ? (A) He felt that the king was too influenced by the Minister (B) To show that he disapproved of the king?s action of punishing the children (C) He did not want to accompany the king on his war campaign (D) He was no longer able to make the king laugh (E) None of these 8. Which of the following describes the Minister ? 1. He was jealous of the jester. 2. He was the king?s most valuable advisor. 3. He did not have a good sense of humour. (A) Only 1 (B) Only 3 (C) Both 1 and 3 (D) Both 1 and 2 (E) None of these 9. Which of the following was/were the outcome(s) of the soldiers beating the children ? 1. The animals began to howl and wanted to attack the soldiers. 2. The children?s parents went to the king to beg for mercy. 3. The priest offered prayers to the goddess of the temple. (A) Only 1 (B) All 1, 2 and 3 (C) Both 1 and 2 (D) Only 2 (E) None of these 10. Why was the king angry with the children ? (A) Because the game they were playing was dangerous (B) They had lied to him (C) They did not recognize him as king (D) They had unknowingly insulted him (E) They were rude to him Directions(Q. 11 -13) Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 11. froze (A) cold (B) numb (C) shivered (D) stood still (E) chill 12. leave (A) holiday (B) transfer (C) exit (D) permission (E) farewell 13. spied (A) noticed (B) keep watch (C) followed (D) spot (E) caught Directions(Q. 14 ? 15) Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 14. immersed in (A) safe from (B) distracted from (C) boring (D) drowning in (E) entertained by 15. pardon (A) punishment (B) excuse (C) convict (D) intolerance (E) imprison Directions(Q. 16 ? 20) Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and No correction is required, mark (E) as the answer. 16. Your bonus will dependent the quality of your work. (A) is dependable (B) depends on (C) being dependent (D) going to depend (E) No correction required 17. He did not ask for a raise since he had fear to lose his job. (A) was fearful of (B) was feared to (C) was afraid to (D) had been afraid to (E) No correction required 18. The organizers agreed to shift the conference at some place convenience to all participants. (A) any of the place convenient (B) at places convenient (C) from a place of convenience (D) to a place convenient (E) No correction required 19. As compared to last year there has been a sharp rise in interest rates. (A) sharper rise of (B) as sharp a rise (C) sharp rises in (D) sharply rising (E) No correction required 20. In the 1970s banks required to submit their detailed plans of expansion to RBI. (A) were required to submit (B) required for submission (C) are required to submit (D) requirement of submitting (E) No correction required Directions(Q. 21 ? 25) Rearrange the following Six sentences (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below themâ?? 1. I had paid a lot of attention during training and could easily answer the questions till I came to the last one. What is the name of the lady who cleans your floor ? 2. ?Yes?, he replied. ?In your career you will meet many people all of whom are significant even if all you do is greet them.? 3. I thought the question was a joke. I had seen her but how would I know her name ? 4. During my internship we were given a quiz to see how much we had learnt. 5. I have never forgotten this lesson. 6. I submitted my paper leaving the last question blank and asked the manager if it would count for assessment. 21. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 22. Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 6 (E) 5 23. Which of the following will be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 24. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 25. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 Directions(Q. 26 ? 30) In each sentence below four words have been printed in bold which are lettered (A), (B), (C) and (D). One of these words may be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the wrongly spelt or inappropriate word. The letter of that word is the answer. If all the words are correctly spelt and are appropriate the answer is (E), i.e. â??All correctâ??. 26. My gole (A) is to acquire (B) a position (C) of authority (D) and respect within the organization. All correct (E) 27. The refusal (A) of the Ministry to clear pending (B) dues is a course (C) for concern (D) . All correct (E) 28. He was convinced (A) that discipline (B) and hard work would result (C) in dividents (D) in the long run. All correct (E) 29. This is a company which believes (A) in transparency (B) and appointment is done strictly (C) on merit (D). All correct (E) 30. There will be a decline (A) in the probability (B) of oil companies because of the hike (C) in oil prices (D). All correct (E) Directions(Q. 31 ? 40) Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it.The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (E) i.e. No error. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.) 31. The revised governmentâ??s (A) /guidelines have reduced (B)/ the number of mergers (C) / taking place among banks. (D) No error (E) 32. I do not know (A) / who of the (B) /new trainees should (C) / be confirmed. (D) No error (E) 33. To promote India as (A) / a tourist destination (B)/ the government has organized (C) / many cultural programmes. (D) No error (E) 34. Banks in India (A) / cannot open ATMs (B)/ except obtaining (C) / approval from RBI. (D) No error (E) 35. Today the success of (A) / companies depends on the (B)/ quality of their products and(C) /efficient managing staff. (D) No error (E) 36. Ashok has managed to (A) / achieve his sales targets (B)/ for the quarter very easily (C) / than we expected. (D) No error (E) 37. He did not grant (A) / their request for a loan (B)/ although it would (C) / displease his boss. (D) No error (E) 38. At present oil companies (A) / are making a loss of (B)/ rupees five on all (C) / litre of petrol that they sell. (D) No error (E) 39. The manager?s belief that (A) / Ramesh is (B)/ incompetent is not (C) / necessary true. (D) No error (E) 40. Since I was doing (A) / my MBA I initially (B)/ chose to specialize (C) / in marketing management. (D) No error (E) Directions(Q. 41 ? 50) In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. He was a charismatic leader, an entrepreneur and a highly effective manager all rolled into one. As a leader, he ¦(41)¦ the company?s growth plan in a dedicated manner and he never ¦(42)¦ focus. The cement industry in those days was doing badly. ¦(43)¦ to everyone?s expectations he sanctioned an additional plant in ¦(44)¦ time. He was ¦(45)¦ that since the cement industry was cyclic in nature, by the time the plant was ¦(46)¦ the market would have improved. It did happen and the decision brought rich ¦(47)¦ when the plant was commissioned. Not only was he a great entrepreneur but he also â?¦(48)â?¦ all his senior people to be â??practising entrepreneursâ??. I have seen a similar example at the Asian Institute of Management, which allows its professors to â?¦(49)â?¦ their own business. This made their lectures more practical and less theoretical. It is the â?¦(50)â?¦ of the Institute?s success. 41. (A) achieved (B) implemented (C) visualised (D) persevered (E) aimed 42. (A) moved (B) shifts (C) missed (D) changes (E) lost 43. (A) Contrary (B) Opposite (C) Yet (D) Obedient (E) Different 44. (A) any (B) mean (C) short (D) no (E) less 45. (A) known (B) calculating (C) certain (D) dreamt (E) surely 46. (A) operational (B) install (C) use (D) produced (E) new 47. (A) supply (B) diversity (C) rewards (D) pay (E) knowledge 48. (A) thought (B) tried (C) wished (D) encourage (E) wanted 49. (A) expand (B) function (C) chose (D) run (E) risk 50. (A) responsibility (B) secret (C) guarantee (D) prize (E) value Answers with Hints:- 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (B) 5. (E) 6. (C) 7. (E) 8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (D) 11. (B) 12. (D) 13. (B) 14. (B) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (D) 19. (E) 20. (A) 21. (A) 22. (E) 23. (B) 24. (D) 25. (C) 26. (A) Correct spelling is ?goal?. 27. (C) Correct spelling is?cause?. 28. (D) Correct spelling is ?dividends?. 29. (E) 30. (B) 31. (A) Write ?the government?s revised?. 32. (B) Write ?which of the?. 33. (C) Write ?the government is organizing?. 34. (C) Write ?without obtaining?. 35. (D) Write ?efficient managerial staff?. 36. (C) Change ?very easily?to ?more easily?. 37. (C) Write ?even though it would?. 38. (C) Write ?each? in place of ?all?. 39. (D) Write ?necessarily true?. 40. (B) Delete ?my?. 41. (B) 42. (C) 43. (A) 44. (D) 45. (B) 46. (A) 47. (C) 48. (E) 49. (D) 50. (B) Bank-of-India General Awareness Bank of India General Awareness Paper (1)This ?Mango Hybrid Variety? is early maturity, dwarf and having attractive colour, suitable for ?Chotanagpur Region? for the India? (A) Amrapali (B) Safed Maldah (C) Malika (D) Gulab Khas (E) Ratna (2)Production period in case of tea after gestation period is to the extant of ?? ? (A) 100 years (B) 50 years (C) 25 years (D) 10 years (E) 5 years (3)Recently, this Public Sector Bank, had launched an innovation called ?Village Knowledge Centre? wherein technology is used to help the farmers improve his productivity ? (A) Punjab National Bank (B) Central Bank of India (C) United Bank of India (D) United Commercial Bank (E) Union Bank of India (4)Which one of the following is the name of a fungicide which can move mainly upwards within the plant and kill the pathogen away from the point of application ? (A) Semesan (B) Demosan (C) Cuprosan (D) Tulisan (E) Ceresan (5)This state is the Leading Producer of Vegetables in India contributing around 19 per cent of country?s production from 17 per cent of the total area under vegetable? (A) Maharashtra (B) Bihar (C) West Bengal (D) Andhra Pradesh (E) Karnataka (6)This being the only country in the world producing all four known commercial varieties of silk viz., Mulberry, Tasar, Eri and Muga? (A) China (B) Brazil (C) Japan (D) India (E) Korean Republic (7)Which one of the following Pearl Millet (Bajra) variety is early maturity, with high yield and suitable for Haryana State under irrigated and rainfed situation ? (A) GHB-757 (B) HHB-146 (C) GHB-538 (D) HHB-94 (E) RHB-121 (8)This Central Cattle Breeding Farm is producing ?HFx Tharparkar Crossbred Bulls? for breeding purpose in India? (A) Andeshnagar (U.P.) (B) Dhamrod (Gujarat) (C) Hassergatha (Karnataka) (D) Suratgarh (Rajasthan) (E) Alamdhi (Tamil Nadu) (9)Which one of the following countries, ?Annual Per Capita Consumption? of Wine is highest (50 litres) ? (A) China (B) Australia (C) USA (D) France (E) Germany (10)The Head Quarter of ?National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) which was established on 10th July, 2006 for realizing full potential of Indian Fisheries sector is located at? ? (A) Rajendranagar (Hyderabad) A.P. (B) Cochi (Kerala) (C) Mangalore (Karnataka) (D) Mumbai (Maharashtra) (E) Bhubaneshwar (Orissa) Bank of India Exam Question Paper 1. A prospect means a) any customer who walks into the bank b) an employee of the bank c) a customer who is likely to be interested in bank?s product or service d) a depositor of the bank? e) a borrower of the bank 2. A lead means a) a prospect who is more likely to avail of the Bank?s product b) a political leader c) a religious leader d) a bank chairman e) None of these 3. Innovation means a) Compensation b) inspiration c) additional perquisites d) implementing new ideas or new methods e) None of these 4. A Call means a) calling on friends b) calling on bank employees c) calling on prospective customers d) to make telephone calls e) calling on relatives 5. The Traditional Marketing style involves a) Telemarketing b) Digital Marketing c) Indirect Marketing d) Direct Marketing e) All of these 6. Modern Method of Marketing include a) Publicity on the net b) Advertisement on the net c) Soliciting business through e-mails d) Tele marketing e) All of these 7. A true marketing requires a) Command and other mindset b) Control Mindset c) Passive mindset d) Active mindset e) None of these 8. Which of the following sentences is true? a) Marketing is not required in a Buyers? Market b) Marketing is not required in a Sellers?s market c) Marketing is not required due to competition d) Marketing is not required due to liberalization e) Marketing is not required due to globalisation 9. For effective marketing the salesmen should have which of these qualities? a) Creativity b) Team spirit c) Motivation d) Effective communication skills e) All of these 10. Market information means a) Knowledge of shops and bazaars b) Knowledge of shopping malls c) Knowledge of customer profile and product mix d) knowledge of various languages e) None of these Bank of India PO Exam Paper 1. A keyboard is this kind of device? (A) black (B) input (C) output (D) word Processing (E) None of these Ans : (B) 2. IT stands for? (A) information Technology (B) integrated Technology (C) intelligent Technology (D) interesting Technology (E) None of these Ans : (A) 3. Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers? (A) Personal Computers (B) Supercomputers (C) Laptops (D) Notebooks (E) None of these Ans: (B) 4. A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a? (A) disk (B) data (C) file (D) floppy (E) None of these Ans : (C) 5. The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as? (A) pulling (B) pushing (C) downloading (D) transferring (E) None of these Ans : (C) 6. Which part of the computer helps to store information? (A) Disk drive (B) Keyboard (C) Monitor (D) Printer (E) None of these Ans : (A) 7. ??????is the process of carrying out commands. (A) Fetching (B) Storing (C) Executing (D) Decoding (E) None of these Ans : (C) 8. The role of a???generally is to determine a buyer?s needs and match it to the correct hardware and software. (A) Computer Scientist (B) computer sales representative (C) computer consultant (D) corporate trainer (E) None of these Ans: (B) 9. Which of the following groups consist of only output devices? (A) Scanner, Printer, Monitor (B) Keyboard, Printer, Monitor (C) Mouse, Printer, Monitor (D) Plotter, Printer, Monitor (E) None of these Ans : (D) 10. The rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data, and/or information is a? (A) title bar (B) button (C) dialog box (D) window (E) None of these Ans : (D) 11. A (n)???contains commands that can be selected. (A) Pointer (B) menu (C) icon (D) button (E) None of these Ans: (B) 12. An error is also known as? (A) bug (B) debug (C) cursor (D) icon (E) None of these Ans : (A) 13. Arithmetic Operations? (A) involve matching one data item to another to determine if the first item is greater than, equal to, or less than the other item (B) sort data items according to standard, predefined criteria in ascending order or descending order (C) use conditions with operators such as AND, OR and NOT (D) include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (E) None of these Ans: (D) 14. Sending an e-mail is similar to? (A) picturing an event (B) narrating a story (C) writing a letter (D) creating a drawing (E) None of these Ans : (C) 15. Promotion in Marketing means? (A) passing an examination (B) elevation from one grade to another (C) selling the products through various means (D) selling the product in specific areas (E) None of these Ans : (C) 16. Microsoft Word is an example of? (A) an operating system (B) a processing device (C) application software (D) an input device (E) None of these Ans : (B) 17. Sources of Sales Leads are? (A) Data Mining (B) Market Research (C) Media Outlets (D) Promotional Programs (E) All of these Ans : (E) 18. Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as? (A) storage (B) output (C) input (D) information (E) None of these Ans : (A) 19. Which part of the computer displays the work done? (A) RAM (B) printer (C) monitor (D) ROM (E) none of these Ans: (C) 20. One of the methods for Market Monitoring is? (A) to watch TV serials (B) to discuss with other sales persons (C) to monitor media outlets (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans : (C) 21. Market Expansion means? (A) hiring more staff (B) firing more staff (C) buying more products (D) buying more companies (E) None of these Ans : (E) 22. A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it is called a? (A) program (B) command (C) user response (D) processor (E) None of these Ans : (A) 23. Effective marketing helps in? (A) developing new products (B) creating a competitive environment (C) building demand for products (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans : (D) 24. Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel ? (A) Hardware (B) Software (C) Programs (D) Output (E) None of these Ans: (A) 25. A Call in Marketing means? (A) to phone the customers (B) to visit the customers (C) to visit the marketing site (D) to call on prospective customers (E) None of these Ans : (D) 26. Delivery Channel means? (A) maternity wards (B) handing over the products to the buyers (C) places where products are made available to the buyers (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans : (C) 27. Processing involves? (A) inputting data into a computer system (B) transforming input into output (C) displaying output in a useful manner (D) providing relevant answers (E) None of these Ans : (B) 28. One of the following is a target group for the marketing of Internet Banking. (A) All the customers (B) All the educated customers (C) All the computer educated customers (D) Only creditors (E) All of these Ans : (C) 29. Innovation mean? (A) Product Designing (B) New ideas (C) Impulse (D) Both (A) and (B) (E) None of these Ans : (D) 30. One of the following is a target group for the marketing of educational loan. (A) All the customers (B) Students (C) Only poor students (D) Students having promising educational track record (E) All of these Ans : (B) 31. Service after sale is not the function of? (A) Marketing staff (B) Seller (C) Director of the company (D) Employees of the company (E) All of the above are wrong Ans : (A) 32. If done through???the rural marketing would be more effective. (A) fairs (B) village fairs (C) door to door campaign (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans : (B) 33. Market Survey means? (A) Market Research (B) Market Planning (C) Marketing Strategies (D) Market Monitoring (E) All of these Ans : (A) 34. ???can be done through digital Banking? (A) Mobile phone (B) Internet (C) Telephone (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans: (A) 35. A good seller should have the following quality/qualities? (A) Devotion to the work (B) Submissive (C) Sympathy (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans: (D) 36. The rural marketing is not required because? (A) rural people do not understand marketing (B) its not practical from the cost point of view (C) it is sheer wastage of time (D) All are wrong (E) All are correct Ans: (D) 37. Planned-cost service means? (A) Costly products (B) Extra profit on the same cost (C) Extra work by seller (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans: (B) 38. Internet marketing means? (A) Self-marketing (B) Core Groups monitoring (C) Employees marketing (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans : (E) 39. The aim of successful marketing is? (A) to increase the sale (B) to increase the profit (C) to increase the output of sellers (D) All of these (E) None of these Ans : (D) 40. The networking becomes??through networking. (A) very difficult (B) dull (C) easy (D) has no role in marketing (E) None of these Ans : (C) Bank of India Clerk Exam Solved Paper Solved Question paper Reasoning questions. 1. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the Third, Seventh, Eighth and Tenth letters of the word COMPATIBILITY, which of the following would be the last letter of that word? If no such word can be made, give ‘X’ as your answer and if more than one such word can be formed, give your answer as ‘Y’. (A) I (B) B (C) L (D) X (E) Y Ans : (B) 2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? (A) Stem (B) Tree (C) Root (D) Branch (E) Leaf Ans : (B) 3. How many meaningful three letter English words can be formed with the letters AER, using each letter only once in each word? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) Four Ans : (D) 4. In a certain code FINE is written HGPC. How is SLIT written in that code? (A) UTGR (B) UTKR (C) TUGR (D) RUGT (E) None of these Ans: (E) 5. If ‘Apple’ is called ‘Orange’, ‘Orange’ is called ‘Peach’, ‘Peach’ is called ‘Potato’, ‘Potato’ is called ‘Banana’, ‘Banana’ is called ‘Papaya’ and ‘Papaya’ is called ‘Guava’, which of the following grows underground ? (A) Potato (B) Guava (C) Apple (D) Banana (E) None of these Ans : (D) 6. If the digits in the number 86435192 are arranged in ascending order, what will be the difference between the digits which are second from the right and fourth from the left in the new arrangement ? (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four (E) None Ans : (D) 7. Each vowel of the word ADJECTIVE is substituted with the next letter of the English alphabetical series, and each consonant is substituted with the letter preceding it. How many vowels are present in the new arrangement ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) None of these Ans : (C) 8. If in a certain language LATE is coded as 8&4$ and HIRE is coded as 7*3$ then how will HAIL be coded in the same language ? (A) 7&8* (B) &7*8 (C) 7*&8 (D) 7&*8 (E) None of these Ans : (D) 9. How many such pairs of letters are there in word ENGLISH, each of which has as many letters between its two letters as there are between them in the English alphabets ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three Ans : (E) 10. In a certain code ‘na pa ka so’ means ‘birds fly very high’, ‘ri so la pa’ means ‘birds are very beautiful’ and ‘ti me ka bo’ means ‘the parrots could fly’. Which of the following is the code for ‘high’ in that language ? (A) na (B) ka (C) bo (D) so (E) None of these Ans : (A) Directions—(Q. 11–15) In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read both the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Read the statements and the conclusions which follow it and Give answer— (A) if only conclusion I is true. (B) if only conclusion II is true. (C) if either conclusion I or conclusion II is true. (D) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true (E) if both conclusions I and II are true. 11. Statements : All stars are suns.Some suns are planets. All planets are satellites. Conclusions : I. Some satellites are stars. II. No star is a satellite. Ans : (C) 12. Statements : All fishes are birds. All birds are rats. All rats are cows. Conclusions : I. All birds are cows II. All rats are fishes Ans : (A) 13. Statements : All curtains are rods. Some rods are sheets. Some sheets are pillows. Conclusions : I. Some pillows are rods. II. Some rods are curtains. Ans : (B) 14. Statements : Some walls are windows. Some windows are doors. All doors are roofs. Conclusions : I. Some doors are walls. II. No roof is a window. Ans : (D) 15. Statements : All switches are plugs. Some plugs are bulbs. All bulbs are sockets. Conclusions : I. Some sockets are plugs. II. Some plugs are switches. Ans : (E) Directions—(Q. 16–20) Study the sets of numbers given below and answer the questions, which follow : 489 – 541 – 654 – 953 – 983 16. If in each number, the first and the last digits are interchanged, which of the following will be the second highest number ? (A) 489 (B) 541 (C) 654 (D) 953 (E) 783 Ans : (C) 17. If in each number, all the three digits are arranged in ascending order, which of the following will be the lowest number ? (A) 489 (B) 541 (C) 654 (D) 953 (E) 783 Ans : (B) 18. Which of the following numbers will be obtained if the first digit of lowest number is subtracted from the second digit of highest number after adding one to each of the numbers ? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 Ans : (A) 19. If five is subtracted from each of the numbers, which of the following numbers will be the difference between the second digit of second highest number and the second digit of the highest number ? (A) Zero (B) 3 (C) 1 (D) 4 (E) 2 Ans : (B) 20. If in each number the first and the second digits are interchanged, which will be the third highest number ? (A) 489 (B) 541 (C) 654 (D) 953 (E) 783 Ans : (D) Directions—(Q. 21–25) Read the following information carefully and answer the questions, which follow : ‘A – B’ means ‘A is father of B’ ‘A + B’ means ‘A is daughter of B’ ‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is son of B’ ‘A × B’ means ‘A is wife of B’ 21. Which of the following means P is grandson of S ? (A) P + Q – S (B) P ÷ Q × S (C) P ÷ Q + S (D) P × Q ÷ S (E) None of these Ans : (C) 22. How is P related to T in the expression ‘P + S – T’ ? (A) Sister (B) Wife (C) Son (D) Daughter (E) None of these Ans : (A) 23. In the expression ‘P + Q × T’ how is T related to P ? (A) Mother (B) Father (C) Son (D) Brother (E) None of these Ans : (B) 24. Which of the following means T is wife of P ? (A) P × S ÷ T (B) P ÷ S × T (C) P – S ÷ T (D) P + T ÷ S (E) None of these Ans : (E) 25. In the expression ‘P × Q – T’ how is T related to P ? (A) Daughter (B) Sister (C) Mother (D) Can’t be determined (E) None of these Ans : (D) Directions—(Q. 26–30) In each of these questions a group of letters is given followed by four combinations of number/symbol lettered (A), (B), (C) & (D). Letters are to be coded as per the scheme and conditions given below. You have to find out the serial letter of the combination, which represents the letter group. Serial letter of that combination is your answer. If none of the combinations is correct, your answer is (E) i.e. None of these : Letters# Q M S I N G D K A L P R B J E Number/ Symbol# 7 @ 4 # % $ 6 1 2 £ 5 * 9 8 3 Conditions : (i) If the first letter is a consonant and the last a vowel, both are to be coded as the code of the vowel. (ii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last a consonant, the codes for the first and the last are to be interchanged. (iii) If no vowel is present in the group of letters, the second and the fifth letters are to be coded as ©. 26. BKGQJN (A) 9©$7©% (B) ©9$7%© (C) 91$78% (D) %1$789 (E) None of these Ans : (A) 27. IJBRLG (A) #89*£$ (B) #89*£# (C) $89*£# (D) $89*£$ (E) None of these Ans : (C) 28. BARNIS (A) 92*#%4 (B) 924#*% (C) 92*#%9 (D) 42*#%4 (E) None of these Ans : (E) 29. EGAKRL (A) #£$21* (B) £$21*3 (C) £$21*# (D) #£$21# (E) None of these Ans : (B) 30. DMBNIA (A) 6@9%#2 (B) 2@9%#6 (C) 2@9%#2 (D) 2©9%#2 (E) None of these Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. 31–35) Study the following information carefully to answer these questions. Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work for three different companies namely X, Y and Z. Not more than three persons work for a company. There are only two ladies in the group who have different specializations and work for different companies. Of the group of friends, two have specialization in each HR, Finance and Marketing. One member is an engineer and one is a doctor. H is an HR specialist and works with a Marketing specialist B who does not work for company Y. C is an engineer and his sister works in company Z. D is a specialist in HR working in company X while her friend G is a finance specialist and works for company Z. No two persons having the same specialization work together. Marketing specialist F works for company Y and his friend A who is a Finance expert works for company X in which only two specialists work. No lady is a marketing specialist or a doctor. 31. For which of the following companies does C work ? (A) Y (B) X (C) Z (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Ans : (A) 32. Which of the following represents the pair working in the same company ? (A) D and C (B) A and B (C) A and E (D) H and F (E) None of these Ans : (E) 33. Which of the following combination is correct ? (A) C–Z-Engineer (B) E–X–Doctor (C) H–X–HR (D) C–Y–Engineer (E) None of these Ans : (D) 34. Who amongst the friends is a doctor ? (A) H (B) E (C) C (D) Either E or C (E) None of these Ans : (B) 35. Which of the following pairs represents the two ladies in the group ? (A) A and D (B) B and D (C) D and G (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. 36–40) In each of the questions given below which one of the five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the left, if the sequence were continued? Ans : 36. (C) 37. (E) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (D) Bank of India Whole-Testpaper Bank of India Previous years solved questions Bank of India general awareness questions -2009 1. Which of the following States will soon have its first Civil Airports? (A) Jammu & Kashmir (B) Maharashtra (C) Assam (D) Meghalaya (E) Sikkim Ans: (E) 2. Who amongst the following made the 41st Test Century of his career recently? (A) Saurav Ganguly (B) V. V. S. Laxman (C) Rahul Dravid (D) Sachin Tendulkar (E) None of these Ans: (D) 3. Which of the following was/were the objective(s) of the Mission Chandrayaan 1? (a) Preparing dimensional atlas of the lunar surface. (b) Chemical Mapping of the entire lunar surface. (c) Locating minerals in the soil of the moon. (A) Only (a) (B) Only (b) (C) Only (c) (D) All (a), (b) & (c) (E) None of these Ans : (D) 4. Which of the following States introduced a high tech foodgrain rationing system to ensure timely supply of the foodgrains to people living below poverty line ? (A) Maharashtra (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Delhi (D) West Bengal (E) Karnataka Ans : (E) 5. Which of the following is NOT a part of India’s Money Market ? (A) Bill Markets (B) Call Money Market (C) Banks (D) Mutual Funds (E) Indian Gold Council Ans : (E) 6. Which of the following is the objective of the project ‘Bhoomi Keralam’ launched by the State Govt. ? (A) To conduct a survey of the land (B) To bring those people back who have left the State and settled in other States (C) To provide financial security to farmers who are in distress (D) To identify those tribals who need jobs or financial assistance (E) None of these Ans : (A) 7. Which of the following countries adopted its new constitution recently ? (A) Russia (B) Equadore (C) South Korea (D) North Korea (E) None of these Ans : (B) 8. Which of the following awards was given to Pt. Bhimsen Joshi recently (2008) ? (A) Padma Bhushan (B) Sangit Natak Academy Award (C) Maharashtra Bhushan (D) Karnataka Ratna (E) Bharat Ratna Ans : (E) 9. Which of the following States got its first Rail link recently ? (A) Haryana (B) Arunachal Pradesh (C) Sikkim (D) Manipur (E) Jammu & Kashmir Ans : (E) 10. Barack Hussain Obama belongs to which of the following political parties ? (A) Republican (B) Democratic (C) Labour (D) American National Congress (E) None of these Ans : (B) 11. Which of the following is/are NOT the features of India’s Foreign Trade policy (2004 to 2009)? (a) To double India’s percentage share of global trade from present 0·7 per cent to 1·5 per cent by 2009. (b) Simplifying the procedures and bringing down the cost. (c) Make SAARC countries India’s most preferred foreign trade partners by 2009. (A) Only (a) (B) Only (b) (C) Only (c) (D) All (a), (b) & (c) (E) Only (a) & (c) Ans : (C) 12. Stephen Harper whose name was in news recently is the ………. (A) President of Canada (B) Prime Minister of Canada (C) President of Italy (D) Prime Minister of Switzerland (E) Foreign Minister of U.S.A. Ans : (B) 13. Which of the following is NOT a fertilizer product ? (A) Urea (B) Murate of Potash (C) Di Amonium Phosphate (D) Calcium Carbonate (E) All are fertilizers Ans : (E) 14. A Rs. 35,000 crore JSW Steel Plant project was inaugurated in West Bengal recently. The project is setup / developed in ………. (A) Singur (B) Nandigram (C) Salboni (D) Malda (E) Joynagar Ans : (C) 15. Which of the following State Govts. Has announced that it will provide a special package of incentives to Employment Intensive Industries ? (A) Punjab (B) Karnataka (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Uttar Pradesh (E) Bihar Ans : (C) 16. Which of the following nations has decided to increase its co-operation in the field of energy with India ? (A) Russia (B) China (C) Bangladesh (D) Nepal (E) Japan Ans : (A) 17. Which of the following services is NOT provided by the post offices in India ? (A) Savings Bank Scheme (B) Retailing of Mutual Funds (C) Sale of stamp Papers (Judicial) (D) Issuance of Demand Drafts (E) Life Insurance cover Ans : (D) 18. Mohammed Anni Nasheed is the newly elected President of ………. (A) Fiji (B) Maldives (C) Iraq (D) Iran (E) None of these Ans : (B) 19. Who amongst the following is the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2008 ? (A) Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio (B) Martti Ahtisaari (C) Yoichiro Nambu (D) Francoise Barre Sinoussi (E) None of these Ans : (A) 20. A national level commission of India has asked about twenty States to set up which of the following commissions in their States as early as possible ? (A) Farmers Commission (B) Women Commission (C) Child Welfare Commission (D) Law Commission (E) None of these Ans : (D) 21. Which of the following is/are the measure(s) taken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to ease the liquidity crunch in the country ? (a) Cut in Cash Reserve Ratio and Statutory Liquidity Ratio. (b) Increase the flow of foreign direct investment. (c) Supply of additional currency notes in the market. (A) Only (a) (B) Only (b) (C) Only (c) (D) All (a), (b) & (c) (E) None of these Ans : (A) 22. The third India Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) Summit took place in which of the following dies recently ? (A) Brazilia (B) New Delhi (C) Suncity (D) Salvador (E) Durban Ans : (B) 23. Which of the following States has dcided to set up Arsenic Removal Plants in all the districts of the State to enable itself to provide arsenic free drinking water to all the people by 2010-11 ? (A) Karnataka (B) Kerala (C) West Bengal (D) Orissa (E) Maharashtra Ans : (C) 24. Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘The Exile’ ? (A) B. G. Verghese (B) Philip Roth (C) Aravind Adiga (D) Navtej Saran (E) None of these Ans : (D) 25. Which of the following programmes is being implemented in all the districts of the country ? (A) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (B) Navodaya Vidhyalay (C) Ultra Mega Power Project (D) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyuthikara Yojana (E) None of these Ans : (A) 26. The Govt. of India decided to provide a bonus price of Rs. 50 per quintal on which of the following products over and above its minimum support price of Rs. 850 per quintal ? (A) Wheat (B) Paddy (C) Sugarcane (D) Cotton (E) None of these Ans : (B) 27. Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘The Namesake’ ? (A) Vikram Seth (B) V. S. Naipaul (C) Arun Bhagat (D) Anita Desai (E) Jhumpa Lahiri Ans : (E) 28. Besides USA India has signed Nuclear Agreement with which of the following countries and is named as ‘Co-operation Agreement for Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy’ ? (A) Italy (B) Germany (C) France (D) Canada (E) Australia Ans : (C) 29. Tzipi Livini whose name was in news recently is from which of the following countries ? (A) Singapore (B) South Korea (C) Austria (D) Israel (E) None of these Ans : (D) 30. World Ozone day is observed on ………. (A) 16th September (B) 16th October (C) 16th November (D) 26th September (E) 26th October Ans : (A) 31. Which of the following is NOT a Govt. Sponsored organization ? (A) Small Industries Development Bank of India (B) NABARD (C) National Housing Bank (D) ICICI Bank (E) All are Govt. sponsored Ans : (D) 32. ‘Merdeka Cup’ is associated with the game of ………. (A) Badminton (B) Football (C) Hockey (D) Golf (E) Tennis Ans : (B) 33. India’s Space Rocket Launching Centre is in ………. (A) Portblair (B) Hassan (C) Tirupati (D) Kochi (E) Sri Harikota Ans : (E) 34. The National Games scheduled in 2011 will be organized in ………. (A) Bengaluru (B) Goa (C) Kolkata (D) Kochi (E) Jaipur Ans : (B) 35. Which of the followiing diseases is not covered under Integrated Disease Surveillance project ? (A) Cholera (B) Tuberculosis (C) AIDS (D) Polio (E) Cancer Ans : (E) 36. Which of the following is TRUE about ‘Antyodaya Anna Yojana’ ? (a) Scheme is for Below Poverty Line families. (b) People are provided cooked meals under the scheme. (c) All beneficiaries of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act are covered in this scheme. (A) Only (a) (B) Only (b) (C) Only (c) (D) All (a), (b) & (c) (E) None of these Ans : (E) 37. Jelena Jankovic of Serbia won which of the following titles of tennis after defeating Svetlana Kuznetsova? (A) China Open (B) Japan Open (C) New Zealand Open (D) Australian Open (E) None of these Ans : (A) 38. Who amongst the following is the Minister of Home Affairs in Union Cabinet of India at present? (A) Shivraj Patil (B) Lalu Prasad Yadav (C) P. Chidambaram (D) Shared Pawar (E) None of these Ans: (C) 39. Banks are required to pay how much percentage of their net bank credit to Priority Sector is advance? (A) 5% (B) 7% (C) 10% (D) 15% (E) None of these Ans : (C) 40. Dronacharya Award is given for excellence in ………. (A) Literacy Work (B) Social Service (C) Coaching in Sports (D) Journalism (E) None of these Ans : (E)