Associateship (Life and Non-Life) Papers from the Insurance Institute of India (IRDA)


 Associateship Exam(Life and Non-Life) Papers from the Insurance Institute of India (IRDA).

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) is responsible for safeguarding policyholders' interests as well as market laws. Because of the fierce competition among companies in this industry, the paper is essential for policyholders. The study was carried out to guarantee that the customer's interests were protected.

Exam Pattern - The paper comprises questions about life and non-life. It is a subjective paper with extremely short answer type questions, as well as short answer type questions and long answer type questions. The total number of questions in the paper is ten, with question number one being a mandatory question with four sub-questions. Seven of the remaining nine questions must be attempted, and these questions are broken into two sub-questions. Some questions are theoretical in nature, while others are descriptive in nature and must be addressed using appropriate evidence.

Total marks and allotted time - The maximum number of marks that can be awarded in this paper is 100, and the time permitted is only three hours. Question No. 1 has a maximum of 16 marks and each of its sub-questions carries a maximum of two marks. Apart from these, all other questions have a maximum of 12 marks, with sub-questions carrying a maximum of 6 marks.

The following are some good books - * Journals of Associateship by IRDA * Associateship Books of Helen Coult

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