Associateship Examination|Health Insurance Papers


Associateship Examination Health Insurance

It's very hard to get good grades on the Health Insurance Paper, and if you want to become an associate, you need to pass this subject. The paper focuses on the different policies that deal with health issues, as well as the different types of plans that are linked to them.

The following qualifications are necessary for the subject- The eligibility condition for all candidates to sit for the Associateship test is that they have successfully completed the Licentiate exams.

Negative marking and Marks: - Because the Associateship Examination-Health Insurance Papers are written in a descriptive fashion, the questions have distinct markings and no negative points are given for incorrect responses.

Method of exam:- The Associateship Examination is mostly a pen-and-paper exam. To write the answers, bring a ball pen and an HB pencil to the examination. It is a test that is only available for offline mode.

Type of exam: - The Associateship Examination-Health Insurance Papers is a theoretically oriented paper that consists of extensive and descriptive type questions.

Exam pattern For Associateship Health Insurance Exam

The Health Insurance Papers' paper pattern is simple to understand. It consists of ten questions, and candidates are only allowed to attempt eight of them. Question No. 10 is worth a total of 16 points. However, it is not required that you answer it. Except for the last question, each question is worth 12 points.

Total Marks:- The Associateship Exam-Health Insurance Papers is worth 100 points. Time limit: -The Health Insurance paper has a total time limit of three hours for candidates to complete all of their tasks.

Suggested Books:- Life and Health Ins., 13th Edition, Kenneth Black Jr.  Harold D. Skipper Jr.