Associateship Examination-Application of Life Assurance Exam


Associateship Examination-Application of Life Assurance Exam - 


Application of Associateship Life Assurance Papers Exam is a significant as well as difficult to score paper. The application of life assurance is primarily concerned with the investigation of various pension plans, reinsurance functions, various advantages and disadvantages of fixed annuities, plan benefits of faults of group insurance and individual insurance.


Qualifications for taking this test - Candidates who have already taken and passed the Licentiate examinations are the only ones who are qualified to take the Associateship exam. Candidates who pass all six subjects in this examination will be awarded an Associateship Diploma.

Mark Calculation - To qualify for this exam, candidates must earn 50 out of a possible 100 points.

Exam format - Associateship Papers of Life Assurance Application The exam is based on paper and pencil (offline exam). During the testing process, candidates are only allowed to use a blue or black ball point pen and an HB pencil. Examiners give pupils instructions on how to answer questions in the exam hall. Candidates are simply given answer sheets on which they are allowed to write their solutions to the specified questions.

Format of the Paper - There are a total of ten questions on this paper, none of which must be answered. Candidates taking this test are only need to answer eight of the 10 questions. Only subjective type questions, mostly descriptive type questions or brief notes, make up the Application of Life Assurance Papers of Associateship Examination.

Time Duration - Candidates are permitted a maximum of 3 hours to complete the Application of Life Assurance Papers of Associateship Examination.

Books For Study - Life and Health Insurance, 13th Edition by Kenneth Black Jr. , Harold D. Skipper Jr.

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